Fight Three Hundred?

Let's not talk about the other characters for now.

Just Shu Ling's self-introduction alone was enough to fill everyone's stomach with questions.

"You're obsessed with supernatural events, but you joined the Mystery Club?" Zhao Yingnan was puzzled.

"To be precise, it's because the Mystery Club has information on the school's mysteries." Yu Muhuai corrected her. "This means that Sister Shu Ling is here to find out the truth. There's a high chance that she's not a 'mole' who conflicts with our goal."

"Not necessarily." Xu Xingzhou shook his head and said, "If you like supernatural events, it means that the characters are more superstitious. As for the Mystery Club, they definitely believe in science."

"She entered the Mystery Club just to look at the relevant information. It's also very likely that the murderer wanted to investigate whether the Mystery Club had solved the mystery or not."