Useful Clues

"Oh, oh."

The middle-aged man whistled.


Just as everyone had 'recovered' and was ready to watch the match, Jiang Xuyan suddenly shouted, "Don't pity me just because I'm a delicate flower!"

"Begin! Cough cough cough…" The stern teacher choked on his saliva.


Tang Zinian's retching, the coughing around him, and Jiang Xuyan's shocking tone and lines made Yu Muhuai lose his focus.

By the time he reacted, the ball in the middle had already been firmly grasped by Song Qingyou, who had shot out like an arrow.

Xu Xingzhou, who was standing at the back of the defense, had experience. He blocked Zhao Yingnan in a flash.

Song Qingyou's eyes were sharp, but she wasn't in a hurry to attack.

"Teacher Jiang, you're too mean!" Tang Zinian, who was watching from the side, shouted.

Jiang Xuyan flipped his hair. "This is called 'all is fair in war'!"