It Was An Accident

From the beginning until now, this scene had been shot very smoothly.

An Sui thought that he might be able to finish it in one shot.

Who knew that this time, He Yuchi didn't make any mistakes, but Song Qingyou did.

Most of the scenes in this movie were originally shot by the male and female leads. The others did not have many scenes, so the two of them dropped the ball a lot of times.

However, this was a small problem.

In the movie, the female lead stopped playing the cello after being discussed by the audience. It was the male lead who encouraged her and stood up for her, allowing the female lead to continue her performance.

Song Qingyou didn't know if she had forgotten the plot or what, but she only stopped after she finished playing the whole song.

An Sui made a gesture, indicating for the 'audience' to be quiet.

"Qingyou, what's wrong with you? Why would there be a problem at this time? Could it be that you were distracted?"