She's a Nine Leak Fish

Reality had proven that G&A, who had always been dismissive from the start, could not be broad-minded.

On the afternoon of Song Qingyou's refusal to film, Clint made a public condemnation on his social media platform:

"In fact, before today, I personally admired Miss Song Qingyou very much. Her performance in the movie Murder of the Rose made my eyes light up. At that time, I thought Miss Song would be a very good partner."

"But to my disappointment, she's different from the rumors I heard in China. She's not as dedicated as I thought. It can even be said that she has the worst temper among all the artists I have invited to work with."

"She's a person who refuses to shoot without a word and refuses to listen to others. I don't know what the public thinks of her, but I doubt her character."

Except for Song Qingyou.

Everyone else, including Chen Lan, did not expect Clint to be so merciless.