To cut grass, you must remove the roots

Song Qingyu's schedule was very simple. If she wasn't filming all day, she would work remotely from home, so it wasn't difficult to find out.

Knowing that Jiang Xuyan also had the idea of holding a concert, Yu Muhuai used the tour as an opening speech. He chatted with Chen Lan for a while and then changed the topic to Song Qingyu.

Chen Lan was in a good mood and drank a few more glasses of wine. Plus, Yu Muhuai didn't ask about Song Qingyu's future schedule. He only asked about the past, so he wasn't on guard.

After hearing that Song Qingyu and Lu Ziyan had met, Yu Muhuai finally understood what Shen Xiyan meant.

She was worried that the Lu family would cooperate with Song Qingyu, and that Lu Ziyan would protect Song Qingyu so that she wouldn't be able to do it.

Yu Muhuai revealed a sarcastic smile and told Shen Xiyan about their meeting. He did not forget to mock her,"