Side Story, Tang Guo 2

This was considered a promise.

Ulysses raised his eyebrows indifferently.

How could a twenty-year-old girl compare to his decades of accumulation? Stop joking!

Ulysses gave his assistant a look, and the latter immediately arranged a seat.

"You can start your performance now." Ulysses stretched out his hand towards Tang Guo, the contempt in his actions overflowing with words.

Tang Guo took a deep breath and walked over to the piano on the stage.

[I suddenly feel so nervous. I hope Tang Guo is alright.]

[That's Master Ulysses we're talking about. How can there be no problem?]

[She's overestimating herself. To be honest, when I challenged Wendell, I was still hoping that Tang Guo would win. In the end, she was so confident that she directly challenged Ulysses. She was really overconfident.]

[Those who don't know how to play the piano can go and see how good this Ulysses is.]