Treated Like A Fool

One second ago, Jiang He was certain that her company would not be affected. The next second, she received a call from her assistant. "CEO Jiang, bad news. Our products have received a large number of complaints. The brands that we contacted previously also want to terminate their contracts with us!"

Jiang He was stunned. Before she could regain her senses, she heard her assistant say again, "Our product has also been complained about. They said that the materials inside are not up to standard!"

When the bad news reached Jiang He's ears one after another, she could not even stand steadily.

Especially since the company was already on the verge of bankruptcy.

Realizing this, Jiang He panicked completely. She quickly drove home and looked for Ji Gao. "You told me before that it doesn't matter if some ingredients are lacking from this project, but now that it has been found out, what should we do to resolve it?"