Official Announcement

The next day, Mi Rui, who thought that she no longer had a chance, received a call from the casting director, informing her that she had passed the audition and to go into production in two days.

When Mi Rui heard this news from Sister Ning, her first reaction was disbelief. After repeatedly confirming from Sister Ning and getting an affirmative answer, she suddenly had the urge to cry.

After that, she packed her things with Sister Ning and headed to The Consort's production team.

At this moment, the official Weibo account of the production team of "The Consort" also tagged Concubine Mi Rui as the actress playing Concubine Xiao.

The netizens watched the interaction between the official production team of The Consort and Mi Rui's Weibo and were momentarily unable to react.

[Could this Mi Rui be the Mi Rui I'm thinking of?]