The Exam Is Over

[Chu An's exam papers have been distributed!]

[Chu An's exam has already begun? Ahhh! I really want to go and take a look too, but I have a lesson at eight in the morning. I can't go! This damn lesson at eight in the morning!]

[Chu An is starting to write! I can't see the questions on the test paper clearly, so I don't know if it's difficult. However, Chu An seems to be answering the questions very smoothly, as if he doesn't need to think too much.]

[Heh, I knew it. This exam is just an act to shut us up. Even if Chu An is very good at the college entrance examination, he can still be so smooth with knowledge that the examiner has never taught him at all. He must have already known the answer before!]

[Previous poster, you don't have to be so sarcastic. Even if Chu An knew the answer before and memorized the answer to the test paper, there would still be a pause when he really wrote it. It would be different from how smoothly it looked in the video.]