Changing time slot

As a selling point for advertisments, other than viewership ratings, the schedule of television dramas was also important.

Even if the prime-time slot was broadcasting trash like Meeting Love Around the Corner, the price of an advertisement slot was still much more expensive than other schedules.

If Peony Fall was switched to prime-time, the advertising fee they had signed previously would not only be 200 million, but it could even be sold for nearly 300 million.

With such a gap, as long as he did not really have a conflict with money, Ding Wen wouldn't think of keeping Peony Fall at 10pm.

Ding Wen thought for a moment and found Fan Yuan. "I will contact Huang Tu. Regarding the issue of the schedule, I will try my best to resolve it harmoniously."

Even if he couldn't solve this problem harmoniously, he couldn't care less.