Good Progress

When Gu Xiao heard this, she turned around and glanced at the computer and the notes beside her. Then, she gave Wei Shu and Jiang Meng a look.

"The progress is not bad." Her voice was calm, without a trace of joy.

Jiang Meng's eyes lit up again. She looked at Gu Xiao with a burning gaze. "Xiaoxiao, what's the general content like? Can we take a look?"

When Wei Shu heard Jiang Meng's first sentence, she had already guessed what she planned to say next.

However, before she could stop her, Jiang Meng had already asked the question.

She glanced at Jiang Meng, who was careless and did not know that her words had crossed the line. Then, she glanced at Gu Xiao. Seeing that Gu Xiao was not angry, she heaved a sigh of relief.

"Xiaoxiao, we don't really want to inquire about these," Wei Shu explained. "These contents should be kept a secret. We both know that, so we won't look."