Strategic Alliance Agreement

Because "Sunflower-like Children" was free, it had brought Star Brilliance Video a huge wave of traffic. Many people also downloaded Star Brilliance Video.

From a certain perspective, Star Brilliance Video had stabbed Da Xiong Video in the back.

It was normal for Da Xiong Video to be dissatisfied because of this.

[Actually, I also feel that Star Brilliance Video didn't do too well this time. Although the purpose of Star Brilliance Video is maximize the influence of "Sunflower-like Children" on society, it's not very good for Da Xiong Video.]

[I heard that many customers of Da Xiong Video had flowed into Star Brilliance Video at that time. It's only right for Da Xiong Video to be angry because of this.]

[Not only that! Da Xiong Video is considered to have advertised for free for someone else. This time, CEO Bai has personally appeared. I'm afraid things won't end well. CEO Bai is coming aggressively!]