
Setting/mood: Our boys just got home from a tiring day. Jimin's social tank has run low but Taehyung's been contemplating doing something for a while now.

Suggested BGM: Coffee by BTS


Baby baby, you're a caramel macchiato

Your scent is still sweet on my lips

Baby baby tonight

Yeah yeah yeah


Practice today was one of the longest they've had in a while.

The rest of the guys have retired to their rooms. Apart from the faint sound of Jungkook going live from his own space, the only sounds bouncing off the spacious area are Taehyung's rapid foot tapping and the clock ticking.

On the couch adjacent to him was Jimin, busy scrolling through his phone. Going through comment per comment, smiling through good ones, Taehyung has recorded his every movement.

His nose sniffling.

His finger flicking through thousands of comments.

His leg shifts.

Even the way that the air conditioner has blown through his soft hair.

The sound of the water dispenser prompted his mental recorder to shut down. He hadn't noticed how dark it's become. With just the light on the kitchen island open, he could barely make out his partner's face.

His pouty lips.

His plump cheeks.

His pouty lips.

His tired eyes.

His pouty lips.

He looked at his palms. How many times would he have to take his hand and lock it with his before he gets a clue? Was he not getting all the glances he deliberately let linger for a couple of seconds longer than acceptable? And what about the times he spent waiting outside doors just to wait for him to leave?

He looked at the clock. A quarter to midnight. Any time soon, Jimin would be retiring to his own quarters. He could see his eyes slowing down, his once amused smirk now a placid line.

Something needs to be done.



His eyes scanned the space. The espresso machine. Perfect.

"I heard we got new capsules from a possible endorsement project. They're supposedly good. Fancy a shot?"

The scrolling paused. He couldn't see them, but Taehyung was sure that Jimin's eyes looked away to consider the offer. His phone blacked out. Did he fall asleep? [•]

"Jimin-ssi..." he raised his voice a little, hoping his desperation for closure wasn't evident.

"Yeah, make me one if you're going to."

A little too excited to admit, Taehyung bounced off the couch and beelined towards the machine. He grabbed whichever capsules were nearest and took two mugs from the cupboard.

Jimin let out a loud sound as he stretched, plopping down on a big pillow as he watched Taehyung from behind. He was about to slip the second capsule in when Jimin blurted out, "let's just split one capsule; we shouldn't be staying up late anyway. We have that... thing tomorrow."

Taehyung scoffed as he returned the second capsule to the container and poured half the contents of one cup into the other. "Splitting a capsule won't make the caffeine content go down."

He could see Jimin's eyes roll as he heard him roll over and let out a gutted laugh. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?"

"I'm tired. I don't need to be lectured about coffee right now," he replied, grabbing his phone to scroll through comments once more.

Taehyung opens the refrigerator and grabs the 50%. Obviously, a quarter of a cup won't count as a drink. Clasping two mugs in his hands with the milk under his arm, he travels back and sits on the floor beside Jimin. Handing him his cup, he slumps against the sofa.

Jimin takes the mug, eyes still plastered on the screen. With just a quick glance, Taehyung could make out that Jimin was now going through the schedule for tomorrow. "Why do we even have to go that early? This is mainly the rap line's endorsement. We'd just be in a couple of shots."

Even when he's grouchily scrolling through his phone, he's still a comforting sight. If anything, his current mood is emphasizing his lips. Have they always been that soft?

Jimin takes the mug to his lips, immediately pauses and peeks into the ceramic. "Ya, hyung..."

"Hm?" Taehyung responds in panic as he looks away. He lifts his own cup to feign drinking, hoping that Jimin hadn't noticed, hot liquid splashing against his lips.

"Did you purposefully just give me this much and left all the rest to yourself?" Jimin rants in disbelief as he watched Taehyung sip through his mug.

Oh, right. The milk.

Taehyung basically choked down his laughter as he reached for the milk carton. "Here," he said, "put some of this in."

"Look at him offer to make me coffee and expect me to put the rest of the drink in," Jimin sighs, placing his mug on the table before lying down on the couch. Taehyung could barely hide his giggle fits in, let alone grab the carton without risking a spill.

"Will I have to come back for that coffee tomorrow?" Jimin kids, shooting a glare towards his way.

Taehyung snaps back. "Why are you so cranky all of a sudden? You were fine just minutes ago."

Doing what he does best, Jimin ignores his sentiment. This gave Taehyung time to look at his face well. With the phone's weak glow shining on Jimin's face, he couldn't help but look at the one thing he's been avoiding the whole day. He could feel his body involuntarily leaning closer to the couch, closing the gap between his own chest and Jimin's arm.

Jimin shoots a death glare his way. "What?" His eyes widen to pose a threat. He wasn't down to play tonight.

"Should I fill the cup with milk," Taehyung responds softly, unsure of how the words are coming out of his lips right now, "or should I fill the rest with water?"

Jimin refocuses on his phone, clearly oblivious to his partner's gaze. He was too tired to argue or notice the subtle hints being thrown his way.

Taehyung's eyes travel from his lips to his eyes, and back down to where they've been. 'All the hand-holding, the hugs, the playful glances—are they going to lead anywhere?' he asks himself as Jimin softly smacks his lips together to dampen them. For something so soft, they sure are making him think harder.

He couldn't count the times he'd been this close to them, only to have them manage a quick escape every time. His thumb runs across his own lower lip slowly in contemplation. Surely, jumping into it once wouldn't be so bad, right?

In fact, Jimin wouldn't have lingered that close into the moment so many times if the thought hadn't passed his mind at least once, right?

He also wouldn't be allowing him to be this close if he wouldn't permit the slim chance of a kiss happening...


"Whichever," Jimin irritably mutters, rubbing his eyes, "just do it."

Selective hearing kicked in, and that's all Taehyung needed.


His eyes lingered on where his lips had been, his grasp on his jaw loosening. A second later, realization snapped his drunk eyes into alert. What just happened?

He quickly looked over Jimin, both their eyes wide in shock.

Too stunned to speak, Taehyung stands up and contemplates saying goodnight before trashing the whole idea halfway. He grabs his phone from the other part of the couch and scurries to his room, bumping the coffee table on his way off.

With the sound of Taehyung's door shutting, Jimin's stare jerks toward his direction. "Wha-"

His head starts to overheat. Placing one hand over his eyes, Jimin starts a futile attempt on cooling himself down.

Neither needed to have coffee in their system to stay awake the whole night.


Extra POV: [•]

Jimin paused to think.

'Coffee? He doesn't like coffee. Something's up.'