Just One Day

Setting/mood: First date vibes

Suggested BGM: Just One Day; Vibe; Astronaut--in that order. Shift whenever you feel like the song isn't syncing with what you're reading.


Just one day, if I can be with you

Just one day, if I can hold your hands

Just one day, if I can be with you

Just one day (Just one day)

If only we can be together


"Great!" Namjoon (RM) exclaims as the camera clicks off. This has got to be the most energetic choreography video they've done yet. He looks over to Yoongi, raising a hand for a high five.

Yoongi catches his palm and shakes his head. "Best one we've had yet," he adds, looking at the rest of the members while opening a water bottle. Ho-seok collapsed to the floor beside Jin, exhausted but ecstatic. Jungkook has taken it upon himself to tumble over his hyungs, smiling at the bolt of satisfaction he felt finishing the last set off.

At the far end of the room, backs turned to the rest, Taehyung and Jimin were mulling over food at the snack table.

Or so it seems.

"Jiminnie..." Taehyung starts, sugar practically dripping off his tone. "Do you want to do something after this? It's still early." He picks off the chips Jimin was staring at, opening the pack and offering it to him before turning around to look less suspicious. "I purposefully gave my 500% today to finish this last blot in our schedule right away."

Avoiding his gaze whilst taking the bag, Jimin starts chewing on a handful of chips to stall. He looked at the spread of sweets and salty treats strewn at the table, considering gobbling down a pack of Pocky to counter the stress he felt just now. This was all too new. This wasn't the first time Taehyung has asked him out end-of-day, but it was the first time they were going out without the platonic barrier between them.

He quickly stole a glance at his hyung to assess his mood. His lids covered a fourth of his view of the studio, surveying the rest of the members. God truly spared no expense in filling in his lashes. What a dangerously gorgeous man.

Taking one last look at the table, Jimin made up his mind. The corn chips would cover more mouth area.

"Depends where we're going and how long it's going to take," he finally responds before chucking in another handful of chips in his mouth, cautiously making his voice as flat as possible to suppress the bubbling sensation in his chest from translating. "We have a recording tomorrow and I want to make sure my throat's ready to perform for half the day," he clicks, intentionally implying Taehyung's fault in their repeat session for tomorrow.

Rolling his eyes and flicking his head back, Taehyung lets out a 'ha'. "Ya," he turns to look at his soulmate currently attempting to predigest the chips in his mouth before it reaches his stomach. "Who's fault was it that I was so out of focus?"

A smile creeps up Jimin's face. "If you hadn't done what you did three days ago, this wouldn't have happened," he kidded as he looked for the biggest chip in the bag. He could feel the playful banter turn into a flirty one. The damned circumstances have turned even the most basic interactions pink.

From the other side of the room, RM and Yoongi watched the interaction from afar.

"I thought I was immune to it but they emanate quite a glow when they're together, don't they?" RM confides in his co-rapper. Yoongi downs the last of the water from his bottle, gargling before swallowing. Quite frankly, he felt like the two needed a slight push for them to go back to fooling around as they did before.

From the floor, Jungkook stares at the couple bickering at the snack table. "Whatever we missed last night was definitely huge," he contemplates out loud, catching Ho-seok's attention. Watching as Jimin slaps Taehyung's hand away from pinching his cheeks, Ho-seok turns to his side for a better view.

"Love is truly sweet because you know that when you see it, it kind of keeps your attention adhered to it like sticky honey," the smiling hyung comments. Jin rolls his eyes at his friend's remark but silently agrees.

With the whole group's attention centered on Taehyung and Jimin, the room fell silent, save for the couple's laughter. Nobody dared to move for fear of disrupting their conversation, just when things went back to normal for them.

Taehyung's laugh hit a stop, his eyes shifting to the room once again idly. Flustered, the rest of the members frantically tried to look for something to fumble with. RM and Yoongi both looked at each other and instantly started blurting out superlatives like "great" and "wow". Meanwhile, their equally whisked brothers on the floor started grabbing each other to stand up. Jin's hand accidentally grabs Jungkook's face, while Jungkook's hand punched Ho-seok's jaw. They all burst out in fits of laughter before helping one another up, each darting towards their bags the moment they gained footing.

'Amusing,' Jimin thought, folding the chip bag closed. So they all knew.

Eyes now on the chip bag, Taehyung steals the snack from Jimin's hands, unrolling it to grab a few chips to nibble on casually as the rest of the group scrambles to find something to cover up their embarrassment from their shameless monitoring. He slowly crosses his arms as he locks eyes with Ho-seok, who looked up from tying his shoes to read the room. Taehyung truly knew how to make people uncomfortable with his looming presence.

"Take me somewhere you haven't taken me before," Jimin finally concedes, walking to his bag.

'Somewhere I haven't taken him before?' Taehyung ponders, disrupting his torture play on the rest of the members. He grabs his jacket, thoughtfully running through all the places they've been to before. It was nearly impossible. They always spent their first nights in a new place surveying the local spots together.

It just dawned on him: this was going to be their first date.

He looks up to find Jimin taking a selfie with Jungkook. He just caught up with the carelessness of his question and felt the weight of the situation on his shoulders. To his side, Ho-seok was zipping his bag up. "Hyung," he asks, "what's a good place to hang out tonight?"

Ho-seok's eyes widen as he got dragged into the situation. This duo just keeps punching him with these unexpected hits. Laughing nervously, he looks at a troubled Taehyung. "What are you asking me for?"

"Come on, help me," Taehyung begs, grabbing his hyung's shoulders, no longer able to control the thrilling rush creeping up his back from anticipation. "I need to make this good," he whispers, careful that Jimin won't hear.

Searching the wall for answers, an idea hits Ho-seok's bright mind. "'Somewhere' doesn't have to be a physical place," he suggests, hoisting his bag on his shoulder. He gives his younger brother a light tap on the shoulder before pushing him aside.

'Not a physical place, huh,' Taehyung considers his brother's enlightening suggestion.

Jimin stands with his bag by the open door. "Hyung," he calls out, pointing out. "Let's go."


"You better not try something funny," Jimin warns, sitting with his eyes blindfolded on the passenger's seat. Taehyung laughs, parks the car, and pulls the blindfold off gently from his partner's eyes.

Naksan Park.

Now it was Jimin's turn to laugh. "We've been here before," he says between ha-has, smiling as shy as ever. He still hasn't gotten over this being their first night out as a couple.

He looks around and scouts the area. Taehyung looks over, watching his chick's head bob from front to back. "What are you looking for?" he asks, turning the engine off. Jimin turns to him and laughs nervously, rubbing his hands together. "Nothing, just..." he looks out the window once more. "Cameramen or a slew of fans, I guess."

'He's still worried about this going public,' Taehyung thinks. Who can blame him, after all? If this goes public, it might cause trouble for the group. He quickly looks around. The population seems extremely light, as expected. They should be safe here.

He grabs his jacket from the back and clicks his door open. Stepping to the other side of the vehicle, he's caught by Jimin opening his door. "I'll do it next time," he says, latching unto the top of the car door.

"Don't be ridiculous. I can do this on my own." Jimin steps out of the car, fresh and all, if not slightly anxious and hypersensitive about his surroundings. Taehyung shuts the car door and activates the alarm. "Don't worry. I specifically chose this place because no one really comes here after sunset."

"Planning to hide me, then?" Jimin jokes, walking past him cockily. It's that smirk that he flashes that gets him whipped into a frenzy, sending his mind into overdrive: should he think of a comeback now or let it pass?

Deciding on the latter, Taehyung blinks twice before running to catch up and places his arm around his soulmate. "If you prefer to let it be known, everything can be arranged with just one call." He takes his phone out of his pocket, only for it to be pushed back down by Jimin. "Don't you dare," he warns before removing Taehyung's arm around him, quickening his pace to place himself in front.

As silence enveloped the first minute of their hike up, Taehyung takes the opportunity to observe him from behind. 'Such a cool posterior for a cute boy,' his mind speaks as he bites into his lip to prevent his mouth from going agape. He's seen this view before, but never in this light. With all of Seoul illuminating his side profile, Jimin really does look like the angel everyone poses him to be. His round, stiffened cheeks still look soft to the touch in the cold air, lips pursed in contemplation. The park's warm lights have turned his hair from coal to gold, sparkling stray strands linked with tender glows. Beginning to think about how his back would look like under that denim jacket, it was probably the best time for him to look at the city below.

Jimin looks over his shoulder and finds Taehyung walking ten steps away, taking in the city view. He only allowed himself to peek at his lover for a couple of seconds before bowing his head as he walks on. Staring at his feet, all he could think about was Taehyung's curled bangs wafting with the cold night air, eyes shiftlessly looking over Seoul. Was he dating the city or was he here with him?

Turning to look at him, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of taunting him again. "Ya, are you going to walk behind me the whole time?" Taehyung's head snaps at him, smile slowly creeping on his face as he speeds up to catch up with his head lowered. Hand reaching out to grab his, Taehyung locks their fingers together and pulls him closer to his side.

The amount of dead air between them was only filled with selfish thoughts being withheld from one another. For one, Jimin couldn't help but think of ways to keep his cheeks from burning. He's always been aware of how small his hands looked against his, his long bony fingers protecting his short ones; not to mention his arms fully capable of hiding him when he tries to fit into his jacket. He fought every smitten thought by sucking his cheeks in, coyly looking around as if rendering embarrassment from imaginary onlookers; the world of endless coupling possibilities now opening up like jack-in-the-boxes in his mind.

Lost in his own ecstatic trance, Taehyung continues to drag his lover up the steps of Naksan Park, careful not to squeeze his fingers too hard. He still hasn't figured out how to turn this night into something memorable but that was the least of his concerns. He could feel his chest tighten all the more at the thought of the kiss they shared the previous night. If he could get away with getting just one more of that tonight, then Jimin's expectations of an innocent night be damned.

Reaching the top, they sit on one of the benches, taking in the view. Jimin looks at his jittery knees, not being able to stop their motion. Without much thought, he places his head on Taehyung's shoulder, ignoring the couples walking by his peripheral. And just like that, his whole body steadies itself, finding solace in the proximity. He felt Taehyung's body stiffen upon contact, only to fall back a split second later. He could tell that he was also becoming aware of how different this all is now after their confession, but he wasn't about to change how he moved around him; not when all the barriers that they'd held up all these years are now gone and they're finally free.

"What now?" he asks, his head bopping along with Taehyung's shoulders as he laughs.

"Take it easy," Taehyung responds, tugging on their intertwined hands. "We don't have to really stress about doing anything 'special' now."

Slowly looking down at his lover's head, he lowers his lips to whisper against his hair. "Aren't you even happy that we get to do this... like this?" he asks.

Pensively, Jimin looks slightly to his left, Taehyung's jacket obstructing his view of his chest. Whether he was worn out from practice or the night sky dragging his body down, he slumps deeper into his shoulder, taking in his scent. Was that... cologne? Whatever it was, it filled his mind with intoxicating longing.

"I am," he answers, brushing the bridge of Taehyung's thumb with the base of his own, "very much." It's always been a running joke that he acts the softest whenever his hyung was around but he's never expressed why. Everyone's been rationalizing it as a soulmate thing when he's always felt a different tug; something deeper than what they all make it out to be.

It's the little things that they used to do--the little things that get captured on cameras, carefully cropped by ARMYs and shippers--that pained him to do before tonight. He always felt a slight pang in his heart whenever those moments fade because it was always during those times that he had to hide himself. After Taehyung lets go of his hand or removes himself from his embrace, he knew it was his queue to go and show the same level of affection towards his other brothers to appear less suspicious. But it was always Taehyung's eyes that he looked for when he didn't know where to look, and it has always his touch that would release the tension he felt from a long day of shooting. He always wished to be allowed permission to let these little things last longer than they did.

To hold his hand for this long in a place as public as this made his heart sing all those high notes he was well revered for.

"Taehyung-ah..." words softly escaped his lips as he called out to his hyung, "are you worried at all?"

"About what?"

"About people finding out the truth about us," Jimin solemnly expounds his inquiry, looking up at the oblivious couple three benches away from them. No matter how good it feels now, they'll have to face the inevitable. Feelings this strong won't stay hidden after they've been unearthed and the heaviest thought floating in his mind right now is how to make moments like these last to the end. When he unpacked his feelings last night, he did so with hope for the future. He coveted what the couple at the other bench had: a worry-free tomorrow where they could spend the whole day holding each other close without restrictions.

Taehyung's laugh disrupted his train of thought. "I've thought about it. I do feel worried but," he raises their hands close to his chest and rubs them against his source of energy, "are we really doing anything different than what we're already doing?" Jimin looks up and finds that reassuring smile gracing Taehyung's face, his worries distancing themselves from where they once were. "Think about it. There's only one thing we wouldn't be able to do."

Cupping his worried lover's face with his available hand, he draws him up closer until their noses meet. Eyes to his hyung's lips, the truth in what he was just told rang louder. Granted that he wouldn't be able to be this close to his lips in front of everyone, he really wasn't the type to let people in on the intimate parts of his life. Straightening his back to allow their faces to level with each other, the beating of his heart numbs his ears and clouds his judgment.

Carefully placing his lips against his, the chilling air seemed to wrap him all the more, signaling his body to crave more heat with Taehyung as its source. Breaking their link, he grasps the bench with one hand and moves the other to cup the back of his hyung's neck, passing over the world around them. Tonight, at the top of Naksan Park, they didn't need to worry about anyone seeing them in spite of the whole city sitting beneath them.

Jimin felt his lips get more tender upon contact with his, both eyes shut but vividly painting each other's pleasure in action. With his right arm now free from his clutch, Taehyung snakes it under Jimin's denim jacket to pull his waist closer; the other hand trailing down to his lover's nape. The light strokes his lover's thumb leaves on the back of his ear shoot Jimin into overdrive. All the things he craved to feel from him were amplified by the unceasing gust of wind traveling its way up to them from down below; the wind and the beating of his heart getting stronger in unison.

Taehyung's grip on his side tightened every time they recapture each other's lips after allowing themselves to breathe through shifts, confirming that they've been craving to have this moment with the same ferocity. He could feel his body becoming laxer, chest leaning closer toward his hyung's own. He didn't care about how ridiculous he must've seemed in the moment--whether he was looking a little too needy or dependent on their connection.

He waited a long time for a moment just like this. There wasn't any time left to care right now and his focus right now is to keep this moment--and this man--for as long as he could, in his arms...

...just like this.