00026. This could be a big problem or...

Theo sat back down in his chair and waved his hand in front of him as another copy of the chair appeared there. He looked at the Sage of Six Paths and said, "Sit down and let's talk, Hagoromo."

Hagoromo nodded his head before he walked over to the other chair and sat down. Once he settled into the chair, he let out a sigh and said, "I can see why you like this chair so much."

Theo nodded his head and said, "It's too bad I no longer have it, but I am sure I will find something comparable at some point when I am older. So what can I help myself with?"

Hagoromo laughed for a moment before he said, "While that is true, it is also untrue. I am part of you, but I am also myself."

"Would you like to elaborate more on that? You are me, but at the same time you are yourself? As far as I can tell, I am talking to myself currently."

Hagoromo nodded as he said, "You are correct but also wrong. I am a separate personality from yourself but since I am in your mindscape, I am also you."

Theo shook his head and said, "That doesn't make sense, because I know what you know. How are you a separate personality?"

"I am not sure how it works, but I know I am me and you are you. If I had my own body, we would no longer be connected like we are now. But we would both have the memories from the other person before we split."

Theo nodded his head and said, "I guess that sounds correct… Kinda. But how are you here?"

"Because of you."

Theo frowned a little and said, "I don't remember asking for someone to share my mind with."

Hagoromo laughed before he said, "But you did, when you asked for all the knowledge from Naruto."

"I asked for knowledge, that shouldn't give me you."

Hagoromo shook his head as he said, "What is knowledge?"

"What a person learns through experience and education."

Hagoromo nodded his head and said, "Exactly."

Theo sat silently for a while and thought about it more before he said, "So what you are implying is, I not only gained the knowledge from Naruto. But I also gained the personality of the people who I gained the knowledge from?"

"That is kinda correct."

Theo asked, "What do you mean by kinda correct?"

"I was the first to awaken, when you started to use chakra. You were using a technique I created for my descendants."

Theo thought back to the first time he tried to feel his chakra and the exercise he used to expand it. The more he thought about it the wider his eyes became. As he did Hagoromo smiled and then said, "You seem to understand now."

"Ya but how? It doesn't really make sense."

Hagoromo nodded as he said, "I would agree, but I think I figured it out."

Theo sat forward as he said, "The chakra!"

Hagoromo laughed as he said, "That is a weird experience, but fun. Yes it was the chakra which caused this. Your chakra was taken from me, the same with your DNA. You wanted the best of Madara and Hashirama, with a bit of Uzumaki, so instead you are a copy of me. The only difference is you look different."

Theo shook his head and asked, "How do you know that?"

"It is the only way you could get what you asked for."

Theo was quiet for a while before he said, "So I will have you in my mind from now on?"

"Me and the others."

Theo closed his eyes and concentrated for a while before his eyes snapped open and he looked at Hagoromo in shock. He closed his eyes again and when he opened his eyes again, there was a group of people in the room with him and Hagoromo. He looked at each one for a few moments before he landed on a man with long black hair and red armor on and said, "It was you! You were the one in my clone!"

The man stepped forward and said, "Yes, I wanted to test myself against The Ancient One. I would have won too, if this body wasn't so weak."

Theo let out a sigh and said, "I guess I shouldn't expect anything less from you Madara."

Madara nodded his head and said, "We need to train ourselves more, so the next time we can crush her."

Theo shook his head and said, "I shouldn't be surprised, since you are a battle maniac after all. How did you even take over my clone?"

A different person stepped forward and said, "We take turns when you make shadow clones. Today it was Madara's turn."

"Wait, so is someone else in the other clone I made?"

Tobirama shook his head and said, "No, after the stunt Madara pulled we didn't send another person."

Madara laughed and said, "You would have tested her yourself, Tobirama."


Theo said, "Okay, enough. Tobirama, it's nice to meet you. But don't you hate Madara and the Uchiha's? Why do you both seem to be getting along?"

Tobirama nodded his head and said, "The same to you, Theo. As for why we are getting along it is because of you. While we now have all of our memories, we also have yours. It has bridged the gap between us, your memories of the show and manga of Naruto have helped the most."

Theo nodded his head, then looked at the other people for a few moments and before he said, "I think I get it now, Hagoromo was the first. Madara was next because I used his insights into chakra control to train with. Then Inoichi and Ino should have been next because of working on my mindscape with the Yamanaka clan techniques. Tobirama because of the shadow clones and Kakashi because I used his insights into earth jutsu. Then we have Shisui, because I am training body flicker with his insights into it. Minato because I have thought a lot about his flying thunder god techniques. But you two, I have no idea why you would be here."

Both of them stepped forward and raised their left hands, giving a thumbs up. As both of them smiled at the same time, a sparkle could be seen from it as the taller man said, "IT'S BECAUSE OF YOUR YOUTHFUL TRAINING!"

Theo started to laugh hard and didn't stop for over a minute. When he finished he said, "That was even better than I could have imagined. I am not sure if it's because we are in my mindscape or if you did that in real life. But the sparkle was just too much."

Kakashi shook his head and said, "The sparkles were always there. I think they subconsciously do an instant transformation jutsu or some type of instant genjutsu to make it happen. It is an amazing feat, considering they only have a talent for taijutsu."



Theo started to laugh again for a bit, once he calmed down he asked Hagoromo, "So I assume that whatever I study or train in awakens the memories of someone and they will manifest themselves?"

Hagoromo nodded and said, "That seems to be the case."

"So at some point I will awaken Kaguya?"

Hagoromo shook his head and said, "No, I looked through what you were given. You do not have anything from her, or Black Zetsu. Just like you have nothing from anyone in Boruto. It seems like you gained everything from before Boruto, that is why Ino and Lee here are still young."

Theo nodded his head and then asked, "So, how do you think we should proceed then?"

Hagoromo smiled at that and then said, "You already know what would be the best case moving forward."

Theo smiled back as he said, "Yes, yes I do."

Theo closed his eyes and started to go through information he had, as he concentrated on it people started to appear throughout his mindscape. It started slow, but as Theo continued, it became easier and faster. After a while he opened his eyes and looked at the new people in the room with him, before he stood up and looked outside at all of the people he had awoken. A smile crossed his face as he said, "I have a really good idea, but it might take some time to pull off."

A few seconds later everyone that Theo awakened in his mindscape began to smile also. Theo started to laugh because of how creepy it was, after a second other people started to laugh also.


The Ancient One opened a portal into Ezekiel's home to collect his clones and was surprised to find no copies of Ezekiel, but each clone looked different. As she took them all in, she started to cast a spell and then looked them over closely after it was finished. Once done she said, "You made more clones, but they will only last two days at the most now."

One of the clones stepped forward, his skin was white, while his eyes were yellow and looked like a snake. Just before he talked his tongue flickered out for a second, it was thin and forked like a snake and he said, "Ezekiel said you have been alive for centuries in the same body, something about channeling energy from a dark dimension. It sounds fascinating and something I would like to research."

A blonde haired woman spoke up next and said, "We have other things that are more pressing to learn first, Orochimaru."

The man let out a sigh and said, "Of course, the other projects come first."

The Ancient One looked between the two and asked, "Why the name change, Ezekiel?"

Orochimaru smiled wickedly and said, "Because we are Ezekiel and we are also ourselves. I am Orochimaru and these people are Madara, Tobirama, Kakashi, Tsunade, Minato, Sakumo, Itachi and Shikamaru."

The Ancient One frowned a little and asked, "What do you mean by that? Ezekiel didn't mention this when we talked yesterday."

Shikamaru spoke up next and said, "Ezekiel figured it out last night, he asked for all the knowledge from our world as part of his powers. It not only gave him our knowledge, but also our personalities. When he started using our knowledge, our personalities started to awaken."

The Ancient One nodded her head, before she smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Everyone but Madara returned the greeting. Madara smirked and said, "I won yesterday."

The Ancient One raised one eyebrow at that and said, "I am pretty sure you lost."

Madara laughed loudly before he said, "You said you wouldn't need to cast a single spell to beat me, but you did cast a spell. That means I won."

The Ancient One shook her head and said, "Fine, by that metric you won. Happy?"


The Ancient One sighed as she turned around and walked through the portal she said, "Come along now, I have other things I need to do then babysit children."

Minato walked through first and once on the other side he said quietly to The Ancient One, "Sorry about him, while he is a genius, his main concern is fighting. He is kind of a battle maniac."

The Ancient One just nodded her head, but said nothing else as everyone walked through the portal into the New York Sanctum. She closed the first portal and opened a new one into a room with only Ezekiel inside. As everyone walked through the portal, Ezekiel looked up and then paused, before he said, "What's going on with all of you being dressed up?"

Itachi walked over to Ezekiel, reached out and put his hand on Ezekiel's head for a moment before he pulled his hand away. Ezekiel started to laugh for a few moments, before he looked at The Ancient One and asked, "Could you do a portal to a warehouse in New York for me? I need to collect everything that is currently there."