00071. New members and rescued kids.

After Alexei and Melina agreed to join the team, Ezekiel first brought them to the research base. When they arrived there through a portal, the first thing they noticed was some music playing loudly from down the corridor of the left hallway.

Ezekiel took a moment to admire the place, a lot of things had changed since they had taken over the facility. The most notable were the plants that lined the walls sporadically and the special lights that kept them alive.

'Things I've never seen before. Behind bolted doors, talent and imagination. Weird science…'

The next thing they noticed was the entrance room they currently stood inside. The entire room was covered in weird circles and runes. Ezekiel smirked before he moved towards the music with the group following behind him out of the portal room. As they moved down the long hallway the music became progressively louder. 

'Not what teacher said to do. Making dreams come true, living tissue, warm flesh. Weird science, ooohh.'

After they passed by a couple sets of open doors to other laboratories, they came upon a laboratory with two people inside and where the music was coming from. Both people had their backs turned and the one with black hair seemed to be dancing as he worked in front of a computer. While the other person with white hair seemed to be bobbing his head to the music as he was playing with some test tubes.

'Plastic tubes and pots and pans. Bits and pieces and bits and pieces and (creation). My creation, is it real?'

Ezekiel walked over to the stereo and hit the stop button, which caused both men to turn around quickly. Ezekiel smirked as he said, "Don't wanna interrupt your dance party, but I have two new people for intake. We need to do a full medical and psych eval on them."

Orochimaru gave his patented creepy smile before he said, "Tsunade can handle that, she's over in the new medical wing."

Ezekiel nodded his head as he said, "Thanks, I'll let you get back to your work."

Ezekiel pushed play as he walked back out of the room. As the music blared through the speakers, he led his group back the way they came and to the right side corridor hallway. As they passed through the automatic doors for that area they sealed shut and the music was no longer heard.

As they passed by a large number of doors closely packed together, Melina asked, "What's this place used for?"

"This area is for the handful of prisoners we have. These were already here when we liberated the place."

Melina frowned as she asked, "Is it a good idea to use this place then? Isn't the location known to whoever ran this place before?"

"No, we pretty much wiped out everyone who had anything to do with this place. I also purged all electronic records of its existence."

Ezekiel smiled a little as he said, "Besides if anyone showed up at the original entrance, they would find it completely destroyed. Along with the elevator shaft that leads down here."

Ezekiel pointed upwards as he said, "We are about half a mile underground and the only entrance is by magic portals in the room we first appeared in."

As Ezekiel finished talking, they walked through a new set of doors that used to lead into the dojo/training room for Laura. It was now expanded and turned into a state of the art medical facility. The area just passed the doors they entered looked like a medical clinic, with a front desk off to one side.

A pink haired teenager was currently seated behind the desk working on a computer as Ezekiel stopped in front of her. The girl looked up and smiled as she asked, "What can I help you with, Ezekiel?"

Ezekiel pointed to Melina and Alexei as he said, "This is Melina and Alexei, they need to go through our intake process and a psych eval."

The girl quickly typed some things on her computer as Ezekiel talked. Once she finished, she stood up as she said, "Ino and her father will check them out after we're done with the medical portion."

The girl walked around the desk and stopped in front of them as she said, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Sakura. If you would please follow me, I will get you started with your medical examinations."

Melina glanced at Ezekiel as she asked, "Is this really necessary?"

Ezekiel nodded as he said, "While I can easily get your medical records, we use a lot of non standard tests for the intake process. No one is exempt from these tests, not even myself. Plus if something ever happened and one of you was injured. Having up to date records will help the medical team a lot."

Alexei nodded in understanding before he put an arm around Melina as he said, "We agreed to join them, so let's follow their rules."

As they walked away, following behind Sakura. Ezekiel glanced at Tao as he said, "I am going to dispel now, I will see you tomorrow for the rescue mission."

Before Tao could respond, Ezekiel turned into a cloud of smoke. After a few seconds Tao smirked for only a moment. As she walked back to the portal room, she thought to herself, 'Just you wait for my magic lessons you little punk.'


The next day passed by quickly as the rescue mission was a little too easy. While Bucky, Steve, Melina and the others wanted to help, they weren't needed. Ezekiel's clones blitzed through the red room from different places and put everyone in a genjutsu before they even knew what happened. The whole operation took less than five minutes before it was completed.

The newest members to the group were shocked at how easy the situation was handled and also a little wary of how powerful the new group they joined was. That didn't include the fact that Alexei was floored when we realized Captain America was alive and worked for the new group they joined. Or that we also had the winter soldier with us, which made Melina go on edge when they first met. But they both just took it in stride and adjusted to the situation within a few minutes of meeting them both. Mikhail actually handled it the best as he just shook both men's hands as he said it was a pleasure to meet them both and looked forward to working with them.

After the rescue mission was completed, the main issue they ran into was not having enough Yamanaka clan members to help the kids they rescued. It ended up taking four days to finish the psychology treatments on all of the girls. They would still have to be checked up on, over the next few months. But overall Inoichi said they would be completely fine in less than a year.

Another issue they ran into was destroying the red room after confiscating everything they could use. While that was finished on the same day they collected the girls. Even though Magneto could have helped with the base's destruction, they instead just leveled the whole place with explosives. Not the best way to go unnoticed, but the group didn't want to pin this one on Magneto. Shield ended up being called in to deal with the aftermath, so Fury sent Coulson to 'handle' the investigation and make sure nothing was found that could lead back to us.

The last issue and the toughest of all was the current widow's on active duty. While there were only six of them, they needed to be brought in and then helped if possible or disposed of if it wasn't possible. After a few weeks of work Inoichi and Ino were luckily able to deprogram all of them without any issues.

On the surface they were still under watch and had some special fuinjutsu seals placed on them. The seals were something Donzo had created, it was a seal that restricted whoever it was placed on from harming other people. While Ezekiel knew it wasn't needed after the help Ino and her father gave the women. Ezekiel still used the seals to make Fury feel better about having a bunch of 'enemies' roaming around the base. Which unfortunately included Alexei, Melina and Mikhail.

What only Ezekiel and those people knew was that the seals placed on them didn't work as intended. Ezekiel told Fury what they were and how they worked and that after a few months they would be removed pending good behavior. Ezekiel only told the people with the seals what the seals actually did.

The seals increased how quickly a person could learn by reinforcing their short-term memory. He advised them to spend the next few months learning whatever they wanted while the seals were active. It might not have been the smartest idea, but Ezekiel wanted to earn their trust and this seemed like the best way to do it. The other reason was because Fury was the main person pushing for the restrictions, since it wasn't voted on by their council, Ezekiel figured he didn't need to follow the order.

Afterwards Ezekiel and the rest spent the next couple months integrating with their new members. It wasn't the smoothest transition since there were now over a hundred young girls running around the unrestricted parts of the base. The main positive of the whole event was they didn't need to expand their current facilities. Ezekiel had planned ahead for when they would have well over a thousand people using the base. So the gym, recreation area's, kitchen and dining room, along with the pool were all made with that in mind.

They still didn't have the rooms to house over a thousand people, but Ezekiel already had clones slowly expanding the base. Within a year they would have everything completed along with some expansion to existing areas, like the theater area, bowling alley, arcade and a few others. There was also a planned five mile underground running track that would circle the whole base once completed, but that wasn't on the priority list.

At the end of the third month after the rescue of the girls from the red room, something very unexpected happened. But it had nothing to do with the base or the girls, it happened at Theo's home.