00100. The last batch.

The last group of people who received new bodies were also ones that received the best bodies. Melina and Alexei were both part of the group. When Ezekiel told Melina she would be able to have kids of her own with the new body. She broke down into tears of joy along with Alexei.

Coulson was the next person given a new body. He attempted to refuse it. Coulson didn't feel he deserved to have so much potential power. Ezekiel talked him into it though. He gave a speech about people with great powers having a great responsibility to use them correctly, like his idol Captain America did.

Clint was also given a new body with better powers and so was his wife. But her new body only had minimum powers. It was mostly given to her so Clint didn't have to watch her age a lot faster than himself.

Other people also received that treatment like Aldrich, Maya, Sarah, Bill and Hank. Even though they might never be combatants for the organization, Ezekiel wanted everyone to have a longer life span. Bill and Hank might receive better bodies later on if they decided to suit back up one day though, but for now they were working on finding Hank's wife.

The older widows they rescued were also given better bodies. He did cheat and used the time stone with Tao to make sure they stayed loyal. But they ended up being some of the most loyal people of Theo's group when they checked.

Jarvis was next on the list and while he didn't need the better body. Theo wanted to make sure he could handle anything that might come his way. In one of the comics Jarvis was targeted by villains because he worked for the Avengers.

Jarvis could have been killed, but instead he was tortured by one of the villains. While Theo wouldn't let that happen, it was better to plan ahead. Plus Jarvis used to help out Peggy and Howard Stark with Shield missions. So him getting a powerful new body ment he could help out again if needed in the future.

Bucky was next after Jarvis. While Bucky was happy to have two arms again, he didn't think he deserved the same treatment as people like Steve and Peggy. He might be better mentally but he was still working out a lot of things in therapy.

Speaking of therapy, Inoichi Yamanaka and some of his clan ended up becoming the default therapists for the base. They were pretty much that already, but they now had an office setup and would meet with different people regularly.

Fury was one of the last people to get the new body. He was a little disgruntled about that fact and didn't try to hide it at all. When Fury walked into the room where Ezekiel, Tao and his new body was. He surveyed the body for a few seconds before he said, "Took you long enough."

Ezekiel smiled and as he was about to talk, Tao smacked the back of his head. Ezekiel rubbed his head as he said, "Tao didn't like the first few body's I made for you."

Fury raised an eyebrow as he asked, "You made more than one."

Tao shook her head as she said, "The less you know the better. Just know this is the only one he didn't mess with."

"What, a laser eye would have been cool."

Tao frowned as she said, "That doesn't explain everything else you did."

"I was just giving him extra tools to be a better super spy." Ezekiel said innocently.

"One of the bodies had oversized breasts, another had an extra arm coming out of the back. That other one had the body of a deformed child coming out of his stomach. Or the one that had four sets of eyes…"

Ezekiel raised his hands in the air as he said, "The total recall model was cool."

Fury rubbed the bridge of his nose as he said, "You did… Just stop, I don't wanna know anymore."

Fury moved over to the new body and checked it over before he asked, "There's nothing hidden underneath the skin?"

Tao shook her head as she said, "I made sure he didn't mess with this body. We even used the time stone to check the future, just to make sure."

Ezekiel shook his head as he said, "She didn't even let me help you out below the belt."

"You wanted to make it tiny!"

Fury shot a glare at Ezekiel before he turned to Tao and said, "Thanks, I owe you one."

Tao nodded before she said, "If you'll lay down on that bed, I'll get you switched over."

After that Fury was done and the last two people were brought in. These two were saved for last because they both already had an x-gene themselves and integrating Logan's took a while to figure out. They also weren't getting any of Theo's genetics, but having their own genetics improved. Once it was completed, Tao and Ezekiel used the time stone again. They needed to make sure neither one went power crazy or something else happened.

While there were some issues that might happen in the future. It wasn't anything Ezekiel or Tao wouldn't be able to handle. So they called in the last two people and waited for them to arrive.

Magneto and Xavier were surprised when Ezekiel invited them both to a private meeting. While he interacted with both of them regularly, it was almost always with other people.

Or he would show up randomly to the school and drop off items for the kids. He made a habit to visit, find out what the kids wanted and would come back a day or two later with it. He only got them stuff within reason though. He also wouldn't bring anything for kids who didn't have good grades or misbehaved. At this point every kid in school had at least a C average and were well behaved. The better the grades, the more he was willing to spoil the kids. So all the kids considered him to be like Santa Clause now, but he comes by every month or two.

Xavier was pushed into the room by Magneto and they both came to a stop next to Ezekiel. Ezekiel smiled at them both as he said, "Glad to see you both, thanks for coming on such short notice."

Magneto nodded as he asked, "I assume it has something to do with these bodies?"

"You're correct. I've made new bodies for both of you."

Xavier couldn't see the bodies from his chair but asked, "I've seen a few people around the base looking a lot younger. I assume you are doing the same for us? Can I ask why?"

"The short answer is I want both of you to be at peak health for what's to come. But this is also me putting my trust in both of you." Ezekiel crossed his arms over his chest as he finished.

Both men shared a silent conversation for a few moments before Xavier said, "Thank you. We'll do our best not to break it."

Ezekiel's eyes narrowed as he said, "I hope you do that. But keep in mind, I said I want you at peak health. I don't need you at it."

Ezekiel smiled again as he said, "Anyways, let's get you in your new bodies. You can use the beds if you like."

It took a few minutes for both men to get settled on the beds. Magneto needed to float Xavier onto his bed before he went to his own. Afterwards Tao transferred them both over to their new bodies. Magneto was the first to get up and marveled at his younger body.

Xavier on the other hand was in shock, he laid in bed as tears streamed down his face. His legs, it had been so long, but he could feel his legs again. He wiggled his toes then his feet and worked his way up. After a full minute he finally sat up and swung his feet off of the bed.

Magneto was out of his own bed and watched his friend as he rediscovered his legs. When Xavier was about to place his feet on the ground, Magneto moved to help his friend. But Xavier raised a hand before he said, "No Erik, I wish to do this myself."

Magneto nodded and stepped back a bit. But he was ready to move in and help if needed. Xavier slid forward on the bed a little and set both his feet on the ground. He tested his weight a little on each foot before he lifted himself off the bed. After he tested his balance, he moved one step forward.

He swayed a little, but readjusted his balance and took another step. His next step was more firm and confident as was the next one. He began to pace around the room as silent tears ran down his face and a massive smile bloomed on his face. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so happy.

He moved to Magneto and embraced him in a tight hug. After a few moments he released his friend and moved towards Ezekiel to hug him. Ezekiel held up a hand as he said, "I like you, but not that much. Tao could use a hug though."

"No, I'm good. Thanks." Tao said.

After that everyone was pretty much done and Theo's clones doubled down on their research into making bodies for themselves. Theo had one secret about the whole project though. Only two people from the whole project even had a chance to activate any type of eye powers. Tao and Agatha were the only people Theo trusted enough to give them completely unfiltered DNA. Everyone else was given DNA with certain things removed. It removed any and all chances to awaken any type of eye power.

His DNA was also hidden inside the donor's DNA, so no one should be able to find it. He had no idea how it actually worked, but Orochimaru and Tobirama designed it. They even had Beast, Sarah, Maya and Aldrich try to find it. From Theo's understanding, they were never able to see anything but the donor's DNA, which was good enough for him.

After that, Theo went to Tony and let him know he was going to be busy for the next few months and wouldn't be able to come by. After dealing with Tony, it was time to face the music and get his extra training underway…