00147. Project Revival

Theo watched the video recording from a few hours ago and saw the same thing for the hundred time. Tao, Agatha and him as they stood still for half a minute as Kang disappeared with the core, before he yelled at the ceiling.

Theo glanced up to Tao as he asked, "What do you think they meant by time out?"

Tao placed her teacup down as she said, "I have no clue."

Agatha nodded in agreement as she said, "To a being like that… it could mean anything."

"Well look on the bright side, they only called it time out. So they're still alive… I think." Tao said in a tone of voice that hinted of uncertainty.

As Theo worried about what happened to his kids again, he became lost in thought before a magic bolt slammed into him. He yelped and rubbed his side as he turned to glare at Tao who smiled and said, "I understand you're concerned about your kids, but there is nothing you can do about it."

Tao smiled as she conjured another bolt and said, "So get back to training."

Theo wanted to respond but was forced to dodge as the bolt flew towards him at high speed. As Theo attempted to dodge, he realized Tao was right, he shouldn't waste time on stuff outside of his control. While he tried to let Tao know he would start training. Tao didn't let him and Theo spent the rest of the night forced to run for his life as Tao casually attacked him as she drank tea and played on her phone.

Around the same time that was going on, Janet finished going through a medical exam. Once she was cleared, she was reunited with her daughter Hope. It was a tearful, but joyous event for the small family which struggled greatly when she originally disappeared. Afterwards the whole family stayed together for over a week just spending time together.

Once the family settled down, Janet was introduced to the organization by Hank. After she learned about it and why it was made, she decided to join the group immediately and within two weeks of being rescued she had a new body.

Once that was finished, Theo worked on training people in chakra usage and skills. Well it was mostly his clones doing the work, while he trained himself. He also started work on another project that he put off starting since he didn't have the proper resources to handle at first. He still didn't have the manpower he wanted for the project, but still started the project and a website called Revival.

Revival was made to help people who had cancer or other incurable diseases that threatened their life. The website was simple, with a main page that stated its only mission was to help people. Below that people entered their contact information and what they were afflicted with. It then told people, someone from Revival would contact them and to please be patient.

Revival wasn't a project Theo started himself though. It came about through Tsunade, Shizune, Sakura and a few other medical ninjas. When they discovered how a lot of medical issues weren't fixed, but instead treated with drug prescriptions for life. Well they weren't too happy and started to research on how to fix each issue. It took a while, but through a lot of effort they were able to figure out how to cure most deadly diseases that plagued the Earth. There were a handful that they couldn't fix currently, but Theo planned to clone new fixed bodies for those rare cases.

With the launch of the website, Theo then promoted it on Vibe so people would find it faster. Well he didn't promote it site wide, but targeted it to people who were in need of it. And within an hour of the site going live, Theo received the first request for help. Theo quickly looked through the information and couldn't help but frown. The request came from a mother who had basically given up hope in normal medicine and was desperately trying to find something else that might work.

It turned out that her young daughter suffered from a very aggressive form of cancer and while they attempted everything they could. The cancer was too strong and the doctors gave up and told the parents to be prepared for the worst. With that the family took their daughter home to spend every minute they could together.

With the mothers information in hand, Theo changed into Ezekiel and messaged Tsunade. Within a few minutes he portaled to the base to pick her up before he portaled them to the front yard of a decent house in the countryside of England. Even though it was almost midnight Ezekiel moved to the door and knocked loudly on it a few times.

After a few minutes the front porch lights turned on and a moment later a man opened the door slightly. He looked like he needed a good night of sleep with the dark circles under his eyes and extra pale skin. He glanced at Ezekiel and Tsunade before he asked, "Can I help you with something?"

Ezekiel smiled as he said, "No. We came to help you. I'm Ezekiel and this is my companion Tsunade, we're from Revival. We came to cure your daughter."

The man stared at them for a few moments before he asked, "What? Is this some kinda joke? Are you another quack doctor my wife found?"

His eyes narrowed and his voice raised as he asked, "First you show up in the middle of the night and now you say you're gonna cure my daughter? Just what kinda bullshit prank are you trying to pull on my wife?"

Ezekiel shook his head as he said, "I assure you, what I said is not a joke. Your wife was the one who contacted us for help."

The man glared at Ezekiel for a few moments before a woman called out from behind him and asked, "Who is it?"

"Someone claiming they came here to cure Alice." The man said in an annoyed tone.

"Really?" A woman's voice excitedly asked from behind the door.

The man glanced over his shoulder as he asked, "Did you sign up with another sham healer?"

"It's not a sham, it was a website and it said they could help people in need… But I just submitted the application a few minutes ago." The woman said.

The man turned back around, his eyes narrowed as he asked, "If she just asked for help, how did you get here so quickly."

Ezekiel smiled as he said, "Magic."

"I don't know what kinda scam you are trying to play, but if you don't leave, I'll call the cops." The man said before he went to shut the door.

Ezekiel placed a single finger on the door and it stopped in place as the woman said, "What are you doing, they came to help Alice!"

The man glanced at Ezekiel and the single finger he used to hold the door open as he said to the woman, "He just said they used magic to get here and you want these crazy people to go near our daughter?"

Ezekiel put a little pressure on the door and forced the man backwards as he said, "Give us ten minutes and we'll be out of your hair."

As the door was forced all the way open the woman behind the man glanced at Ezekiel and Tsunade for a moment before she asked, "Can you really help my daughter?"

Ezekiel nodded as he said, "That's the only reason we came."

The husband looked like he was going to say something when the wife turned to him and with tears at the edge of her eyes she said, "Please… I don't wanna lose Alice… If. If there's a chance they can save her, please let them try."

The man glanced at Ezekiel, then his wife as he let out an exhausted sigh before he pulled her into a hug as he said as his voice cracked, "I don't wanna lose Alice either, but every time we do this it just gives her a false sense of hope. I don't want that to be the last memory I have of her."

Ezekiel waited for a few minutes before he said, "We didn't come here to give false hope, we came here to cure your daughter."

The parents broke from their hug and the wife smiled brightly with a tear stained face as she said, "Please. Please, come in."

The husband moved out of the way but still didn't seem convinced as Ezekiel and Tsunade stepped through the door. Tsunade glanced at the mother as she said in a tender voice, "Please take me to your daughter."

The mom nodded and started to head into the house as she asked with a voice filled with hope, "Can you really cure Alice?"

Tsunade nodded slightly as she said, "It's only cancer."

The husband narrowed his eyes as he asked, "And what does that mean?"

"Cancer is easy to heal if you know how to deal with it properly." Tsunade said in a confident tone.

They arrived in a little girls room a few moments later and were greeted by a bald little girl in a bed. She had an IV hooked up to her right arm and a teddy bear clutched in her left arm as she slept restlessly in bed. Tsunade quickly moved to the girl and placed her palms over the girl before a green light escaped from her palms.

Both parents were stunned for a moment before the mom asked in a quiet voice, "What is she doing?"

"Checking her over before she moves on to removing the cancer." Ezekiel said.

As the parents watched, Tsunade checked over the young girl for about a minute before she moved to a spot over the girl's left leg and a blue mist came out of her hands. It only took a few minutes before she was finished and stood up. She glanced at the parents and said, "The cancer's gone."

The wife wore a shocked expression as she asked, "Really?"

The husband was more skeptical as he asked, "And how much do we owe for this miracle?"

Ezekiel swirled one hand in a circle and made a portal appear in the middle of the room as he said, "Nothing."

Both parents looked on in shock as Ezekiel and Tsunade walked through the portal and it snapped closed behind them. A few moments later the husband glanced at his wife as he asked, "Are we dreaming?"

"I don't know." The wife said as she looked at her daughter who looked to be sleeping peacefully now.

She moved next to her daughter and gently caressed her face as she said, "Alice looks to be sleeping better though."

The next morning when Alice woke up, she felt great. There was no pain in her left leg at all, normally she could feel it as it throbbed even with the drugs she took. It felt so good, she thought maybe she could even walk on it today. She glanced at her wheelchair for a few moments before she sat up in bed. Her mom might get upset but Alice felt great today, so she slowly moved to get out of bed and after she tested her leg for a moment, she stood up.

Her leg felt fine… It felt like it used to feel before she got cancer. She started to walk around her room with her IV drip to test her leg before her mom opened the door and said, "Alice hunny, are you…"

Alice looked up at her mom to see her frozen in the doorway as silent tears started to fall down her face. Alice moved towards her move and hugged her as she said, "It's okay mommy, don't cry. My leg feels good today! I can even walk!"

The woman lowered herself and pulled her daughter into a tight hug as she said, "That's great to hear hunny."

Within a few days the parents took their daughter back to the doctor for a checkup. That checkup confused the doctor at first because the cancer was completely gone. When the parents tried to explain what happened the doctor didn't believe them at all and ordered more tests be done. All those tests came back negative for cancer, no matter how many times they tried it.

While the doctor still didn't believe the parents on what happened with the little girl's cancer, the tests couldn't be faked. So the little girl was given a clean bill of health and released. The parents themselves went on Vibe later that day and made a thank you post to the people from Revival for healing their daughter. But it wasn't just them, other people also made thank you posts to the Revival Vibe profile Theo setup for the website. Within a couple weeks Revival blew up with media coverage about a website that could cure people with basically any issue.

Once Revival gained mainstream media attention, notices flooded the site. While nice, some people contacted the site because they had a tummy ache or a cold. So Theo ignored all of those and only focused on people with real issues. He also stopped going to places himself and would just portal his clones around.

After a week of doing that alone, he hired a couple sorcerers from Kamar-Taj that Tao recommended to him to portal his clones around. Theo had to do background checks and clear them for joining the group, but their only real duty was portal transportation.