00150. Phone launch event. 2/2

Ezekiel stood behind Tony as he finished greeting another person. Once the man left to join the party Tony turned around and said, "That's thirty minutes, I should be done now right?"

Ezekiel glanced at his phone to check the time before he said, "Almost. Finish this last group of people and I'll take over."

Tony let out a sigh before he said, "Fine, but I want a drink after this."

"You can have a drink after you do your presentation and don't even think about trying to bribe the bartenders." Ezekiel said with a knowing gaze.

Tony huffed slightly before he turned around and smiled slightly to himself. Ezekiel shook his head as he knew what Tony was thinking. Ezekiel chanted under his breath as he weaved his hands and a small spell formula formed in front of him. He then pushed the spell forward and it entered Tony's back without him noticing what happened.

A few minutes later after the guests moved into the party, Tony raised his arms in the air and said, "Finally I'm free!"

Tony turned to Ezekiel and stuck out his tongue before he said, "See you later, slave driver."

Ezekiel just smirked to himself as he watched Tony walk away. After Tony left he pulled out his tablet and checked the guest list. So far almost ninety-five percent had shown up, the others were either late or decided not to come it seemed. Ezekiel then checked the live stream of the party and watched as Tony made a beeline to the bar.

As Ezekiel checked his tablet over, Tony made his way directly to the bar. Once there he pulled a hundred dollar bill out and said, "Bartender, give me an old fashioned."

The bartender glanced at Tony and the money for a moment before he said, "Give me just a moment Mr. Stark."

Tony smiled to himself as he thought, 'Ezekiel, you're just too green.'

A few moments later the bartender took the money and placed a glass down in front of Tony. Tony smiled to himself before he picked it up and took a sip of his drink before freezing. Tony sniffed his glass once before he turned around and asked, "Why the hell is this a virgin old fashioned?"

The bartender pulled up a clip board with a list on it and showed it to Tony. It had his photo on it and a note underneath it that read, 'No alcohol before ten PM.' There were other people also on the list, but they were all flagged as minors.

Tony was about to complain when his phone chimed, so he set his drink down and checked it. It was a text from Ezekiel that read, 'Don't make a scene on the live stream, you might lose followers. LOL XD.'

Tony frowned and then saw one of the cameras pointed directly at him. He quickly typed back, 'What the hell, you are acting like I'm a mogwai or something.' A reply came back a moment later that read, 'Kinda, but I wouldn't want you to turn into a gremlin and ruin everything. Besides I don't want you drunk on the live stream.'

Tony typed back, 'I hate you.' Before he put his phone away and picked up his drink. He took another sip as he looked around the room for someone that could get him a drink. He thought about Pepper first, but decided against asking, since she didn't like him drinking in the first place and would definitely refuse.

He then saw Happy and started to move towards him but then stopped after a few moments. Happy seemed to be in the middle of a conversation with a beautiful woman and it looked to be going well. It was one of the few times Tony saw Happy so engaged with a woman before so he decided to leave Happy alone. Besides, Tony had other ways to get a drink.

Tony then turned and walked towards the back area as the first band walked out onto the stage to perform. Tony quickly made his way into the back and moved with purpose to one of the phone pallets that were unloaded earlier today. He quickly cut off the plastic wrap before he started to pull out a few boxes. Hidden in the middle of the pallet was a metal case which he pulled out and set on top of some of the boxes.

As he opened the case Tony said to himself, "Ezekiel do you really think you can stop me from drinking?"

Inside the case was a small minibar filled with everything Tony liked to drink. Tony started to hum to himself as he mixed a drink for himself. Once he was finished he smiled to himself before he heard, "I wouldn't do that if I was you."

Tony turned to see Ezekiel before he said, "It'll be fine, it's just one drink."

Ezekiel shook his head as he said, "One drink now. Then another later. Maybe another while you eat and one afterwards to wash it down."

Ezekiel pointed a finger as he said, "You don't do just one drink, Tony."

Tony confidently smiled as he said, "I can do one drink, no problem."

Then he raised the glass to his lips as Ezekiel said, "I really wouldn't drink that if I were you."

Tony stopped to sniff the glass for a moment before he asked, "Why not? Did you do something to the alcohol?"

"Nope, I didn't touch it." Ezekiel said.

"Then it's fine." Tony said before he took a drink.

After he drank Tony let out a satisfied sigh as Ezekiel smirked as he said, "I did something to you though."

Tony froze and stared at Ezekiel in shock before Ezekiel said, "You should really head to the bathroom, I think you have about two minutes before it takes effect."

"What did you do?" Tony asked with a hint of fear.

Ezekiel smiled as he said, "Just a simple cleansing spell. The only issue is that it makes you projectile vomit kinda like ipecac syrup."


Ezekiel smirked as he said, "You have about a minute and a half now."

Tony dropped his drink and ran to one of the back area restrooms as he said "You're an asshole!"

"I warned you." Ezekiel yelled back.

Ezekiel waited outside the restroom door for about fifteen minutes before Tony finally came out. His hair was messed up and his suit was dirty from the backlash of his body purging itself. His face was pale white as he glared at Ezekiel for a few moments before he said, "You're a fucking dick… I honestly have no idea why I'm still friends with you."

"I warned you and you didn't listen. Besides, I have your best interests at heart, that's why we're still friends. Oh and probably the alien tech helps too." Ezekiel said as he shrugged.

"It's mostly the alien tech… Still, that was a dick move and to top it off you put ipecac syrup in a three hundred dollar bottle of whisky."

Ezekiel shook his head as he said, "I told you, I placed a spell on you. The whisky is fine."

"Magic isn't real, so you either poisoned my whisky or used a power on me." Tony said matter of factly.

Ezekiel shook his head again before he said, "Magic is real, but whatever. Let me clean you up."

Ezekiel wove his hands together for a few moments before a golden spell matrix appeared over Tony. It quickly moved down over his head and went to the ground. Once it finished he looked fresh and his suit was in perfect condition. His hair was still a little messed up, but otherwise he looked fine.

"Go fix your hair and we'll go back to the party."

Tony glanced at his outfit before he said, "You have too many powers."

As Tony walked back into the bathroom Ezekiel said, "I told you, it's magic."

After Tony fixed his hair, he made his way back out to the party with Ezekiel who said, "Don't drink any alcohol until after ten or that will happen again."

"You're a dick." Tony said.

Ezekiel patted Tony on the back as he said, "I like you too pal."

Tony swatted his hand away in irritation as they came out to the main area of the event. The first band was in the middle of a song and the dance floor had a decent amount of people on it. They were the second most popular band on Vibe and came from South America. They were kinda like Dazzler's band as so far they only covered songs and had no original content. While they didn't have powers to help out in their shows, they were still popular because of their skills and the music they covered.

Ezekiel glanced around the room before he discreetly pointed to a woman with red hair in a green dress as he said to Tony, "I saw you eyeing her early, you should go ask her to dance."

Tony glanced at the woman's back as he said, "Maybe."

Ezekiel elbowed Tony as he asked, "Scared she'll turn you down?"

Tony scuffed as he said, "No."

"A hundred bucks she turns you down." Ezekiel said with a knowing smirk.

"Fine, just watch this." Tony said with a hint of pride in his voice.

Tony confidently walked towards the woman who stood near the bar as she waited for a drink. Once Tony was close to her he said, "Pardon me, but would you like to dance?"

The woman turned around in shock as she asked, "Did you really just ask me to dance, Tony?"

Tony froze for a moment before he glanced at Ezekiel who smirked at him with a thumbs up. Tony then smiled as he said, "So is that a yes or no?"

Pepper thought about it for a moment before she said, "Sure."

As they made it out to the dance floor and started to dance, the music of the song kicked up a bit and the singer belted out, "Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, baby!"

"I like it like that." The backup singers sang.

The singer leaned into his mic as he said, "You gotta believe me when I tell you."

"I said I like it like that!" The backup singers followed up.

Ezekiel smiled to himself as he watched Tony and Pepper dancing before he glanced at some of the other people dancing. Happy and the movie star Anna were actually on the dance floor and seemed to be having a good time. Kurt was also on the dance floor as he danced with Jubilee and Kitty. They weren't dancing like you typically would for the type of music being played, but they were having fun.

With his main goals out of the way Ezekiel planned to check in with security before he was stopped by Dazzler and another girl from her band who asked, "Ezekiel, would you like to dance with us?"

Ezekiel glanced at the girl's for a moment before he said, "Sure, but don't complain if I step on your feet."

Dazzler and the other girl nodded before they grabbed Ezekiel by his arms and pulled him to the dance floor. After he attempted to dance for a couple songs, Ezekiel bowed out and made a mental note to take some dance classes in the future. As he left the dance floor he noted that Tony and Pepper were still dancing, along with Happy and Anna.