00171. Jacob has a new hobby.

Over a month passed by quickly and it was already the middle of February. The beginning of the year started out with a few minor issues for Theo. The first was the heroics the people from Naruto were doing.

Theo wanted to test all the body cameras Tony created, so he gave people like Madara, Guy and a few others the cameras. They used them while they fought crime in different cities around the US. He did it for a few reasons, first was to test them. The second and main reason was because he was tired of sparring with them. Sure he needed it and it was good for his training but…

Madara, Guy, Dai, Hashirama and a few others always wanted to spar with him daily. Sure some of them wanted to do it to help him train and improve. But Guy, Dai and Madara just wanted to fight Theo because he was currently the 'strongest' person and could fight them the longest. Theo was also sure Lee and a few other battle junkies would definitely join in on that list too once they each had a body.

Was Theo actually the strongest? No, not even close to the strongest. But when it came to chakra and stamina, he was easily the strongest in that regard. Which is the main reason they fought with him. That isn't to say they didn't spar with other people, since Madara sparred weekly with Tao.

The only reason he didn't fight her more often is because she didn't hold back and he always got wrecked hard. If he fought with Tao more often he would be too hurt to spar with Theo. Since broken bones took a day or two to heal properly and Tao would always leave Madara as a bloody heap on the ground.

The first time Theo saw the aftermath of their spar he secretly apologized in his heart for ever thinking Tao was too rough in his own training. Madara himself found no issue with her 'training' methods and challenged her once a week like clockwork.

All that being said, the ninjas who tested the body cameras earned a nickname for themselves. People started calling them the ghosts, because they would appear out of nowhere and leave without a trace. The only reason people knew they appeared was criminals would be tied up in front of a police station and video evidence of their crimes were posted on a special website Theo created.

It wasn't just everyday theft, robbery or assault cases either. They would collect video of all kinds of crimes and a lot of people you wouldn't expect to see, started appearing tied up. Business owners and CEO's of a few large companies, congressmen taking bribes along with the people giving them out.

Needless to say, a lot of people were getting upset about what was going on and started trying to take down the website that held all the evidence. They even tried to remove it from internet search results and block it with ISP providers, but nothing worked. Theo also added more features to the site during that time to make it easier to search through the information.

While normal people were easily convicted with the evidence provided. All of the powerful people used their connections to try and get out of trouble. The key word was 'try' but it didn't work for most of them, since Theo made sure to shine a light on what was going on. A few were still able to get away from justice and at that point Theo took justice into his own hands.

Depending on the crime committed Theo would figure out a proper punishment. Most of the people were rich with hidden bank accounts and money hidden in offshore tax havens. So Theo simply took away the money they couldn't file claims against and then started to target their legitimate assets through other means. It was still on going but it worked, which is all that mattered.

As for the people who committed heinous crimes such as murder. Theo always disposed of those types of people and made it look like a suicide, with a note explaining how guilty the person felt about their actions. Sure people were suspicious that it wasn't actually a suicide, but Theo used an advanced mind control technique so there was no evidence of foul play.

It did cause a lot of issues in certain circles of people and groups. But with no direct evidence all they could do is grit their teeth and bare it as everything happened. It was only going to get worse as time went on and Theo had access to more and more smart devices. Was it paranoid and very Orwellian? Sure, but Theo didn't care since he knew how people were and would rather weed out problems before they started.

He also made sure he was the only person who could access that type of information and even then he didn't do it himself. He created a few pseudo AI type programs that combed through data. If it found anything, it would send it to Theo so he could dig through it himself with the help of clones. It probably wasn't the best way to do things, but he barely trusted himself with this type of power and definitely wouldn't trust anyone else with it.

As for the other issue he ran into, it had to do with Revival. While the general public praised Revival and the work they did, certain people behind the scenes didn't. They were mostly people who ran or owned pharmaceutical companies and health insurance companies. Revival was cutting into their profit margins and none of them were happy.

While they hadn't publicly done anything, a few of them attempted some stuff behind the scenes. Mostly it was attempts to take down the website, track where it was based and who owned it. They all ended in failure, but that didn't stop Theo from sending them a message in return. Most of them he just ruined a few servers and caused them to lose a bit of money.

He did make an exception for one of the insurance companies though. He found they had a nasty history of turning down claims or taking forever to pay out claims. So he took all that information and gave it to a popular law firm famous for class action lawsuits. He also took all the owners illegal assets and then froze all their legal assets. It was mostly so the shareholders wouldn't be able to do much against the lawsuit. It was just getting started though and would take a while to complete.

As for Theo's personal life, there was one thing he regretted doing for Christmas. He used his Ezekiel persona to gift, Daniel and her family top of the line cell phones. While Theo himself, Milly and Issac weren't given phones because they were still young. All of the adults were given phones as a Christmas gift… And that turned into a problem for Theo.

Jacob, who wasn't super into technology, didn't really care for the phone that much at first. But once he realized it took extremely high quality photos… Well he went a little overboard with the camera application.

"Come on Theo, you need to smile more." Jacob said as he practically danced around Theo as he took a bunch of pictures trying to get a good angle.

Theo glanced up from the engine he was taking apart and asked, "Why?"

"Because you look better when you smile."

Theo glanced back down at the engine as he said, "I'm not worried about looking good. I'm busy working… Unlike someone else who is supposed to be helping me."

Jacob let out a sigh as he put his phone away and asked, "Why can't you be cute like your sister and brother?"

"Because I'm not cute… I'm handsome." Theo cracked a smile as he looked at Jacob for a moment.

Jacob quickly tried to pull out his phone again but it was already too late and Theo was focused back on the engine by the time it was out. Jacob let out a defeated sigh and put the phone away as he asked, "You little brat, who taught you to be so cheeky?"

"You did. Now are you ready to explain what I need to do next?"

Jacob picked up a ratchet as he said, "Sure. Since this is a complete rebuild, the next step is to remove the heads. You do that side while I do this one."

Theo placed his ratchet on one of the bolts at random and Jacob stopped him as he said, "The bolts need to be removed in a certain order. It's normally the reverse of the tightening sequence, but it depends on the engine."

Jacob pointed to each bolt in order as he said, "Since this is a small block it goes like this."

Jacob watched as Theo put his ratchet on the proper bolt and smiled as he said, "Good, now give it a try."

Theo gripped the ratchet and gave it a good tug but the bolt didn't move at all. After a few tries he used both hands and the bolt finally broke free, which caused Jacob to smile as he said, "Good job, I wasn't sure if you would be strong enough to do that yet. These bolts should be torqued to sixty-five foot pounds."

For the next couple hours Jacob slowly worked with Theo as he taught him how to properly disassemble the engine. Once they were done, they cleaned up and gathered the others to walk home. On the way home Jacob took back out his phone and took more pictures of Theo and everyone else. Theo shook his head at his fathers antics and wondered just how many of the pictures actually turned out good… Actually he started to wonder how many photos he took each day. Hopefully he deleted the bad ones, otherwise he would probably run out of space on his phone soon.

After they reached home, they were greeted by the delicious smell of something coming from the kitchen. While Jacob tended to be the main cook of the family, Daniel still cooked dinner a couple times a week and today turned out to be one of those days. As they stepped into the kitchen Daniel greeted them as she said, "Just in time, we just finished cooking."

Milly and Issac were in the middle of setting the table as Milly excitedly said, "Issac helped me make dessert!"

Jacob started to take pictures of Milly and Issac as he asked, "What did you make?"

Milly had a massive smile on her face as she said, "A double layer chocolate cake with a cream cheese frosting between the layers!"

Issac nodded along with a smile as Jacob said, "Greet job you two. I bet it will taste great."

Jacob took a few more pictures and even had Milly and Issac show off their cake to get a few pictures of it with them before he finally put his phone away and the family ate dinner.

After dinner Theo changed places with a clone and took off to go check in with Tony and a few other people before he started his training for the night. It was around two in the morning when one of his clones popped and he received some important information that made him frown.