Chapter 4: The Power Within: Wolf's Journey to Becoming a God

As Wolf continued to explore the limits of his powers, he began to notice that there were certain patterns and principles that governed the way his power worked. He studied these patterns carefully, trying to understand the underlying mechanics of his aura and how he could manipulate them to achieve his goals.

As he studied these different types of gods, he found every god had their unique god aura. He believed that by evolving his power into a god aura, he would be able to ascend to the level of a Mortal God and achieve the power and status he desired.

And so, Wolf began to focus all of his energy and attention on his training. He pushed himself to the limit, using every ounce of his strength and determination to master his power and transform it into a god aura.

But no matter how hard he tried, Wolf was unable to achieve the transformation he desired. His aura remained stubbornly rooted in its physical form, refusing to evolve into the godlike power he sought.

Frustrated and disheartened, Wolf began to wonder if his dreams of becoming a god were simply out of reach. But then, he had an epiphany - what if he didn't need to become a Mortal God to achieve his goals?

As he thought more about this idea, Wolf began to realize that there were other ways he could use his power and knowledge to make a difference in the world. He thought about the Representative Gods he had learned about, and how they used their power to represent something.

He also thought about the Rough Gods, who had no specific purpose or function but were free to use their immense power as they saw fit. Wolf began to see that there were many paths to greatness and that he could achieve his goals without necessarily becoming a Mortal God.

With this new perspective in mind, Wolf chose to return to his home world and become a Representative God of the humanoid wolf race. He believed that he could use his power and knowledge to protect and guide his people, becoming a force for good in the world.

And so, with a renewed sense of purpose, Wolf began to work towards his new goal. He spent years studying the history and culture of his people, learning everything he could about their beliefs, values, and traditions.

He also began to use his power to help his people, using his power to heal the sick and wounded, protect his pack from danger, and ensure that his people had everything they needed to survive and thrive.

Over time, Wolf became known as a powerful and benevolent leader, respected and admired by all those who knew him. He used his knowledge and power to create a better world for his people and to inspire others to do the same.

As the years went by, Wolf knew that he had found his true calling. He had not become a Mortal God, but he had achieved something even greater - he had become a force for good in the world, using his power and knowledge to make a real difference in the lives of those around him. People began to start calling him wolf god even though he has not yet achieved that godly aura but he had already begun his transformation to attaining a godly aura.

And so came the time when he was able to completely transform his aura into that of a god but unlike rouge God, he was bound to this world and more people come to believe in him soon he will be able to grow as a god that representative wolves not just in a single world but all world across the universe.