~Oh Fuck~

"I think you fucked my vagina instead of my ass." Izuku said, slowly taking a bite of his food. Bakugou looked at him with confusion. He then realized what exactly was going on. "Holy shit do you think I-" Bakugou started to say. Izuku nodded and looked down. "What will people think? You're mother may be disappointed in you. What if Tulip is disappointed in me?" Izuku continued rambling about horrible possibilities that may happen. Bakugou looked down. Tears formed in his eyes as he started to wonder what his mom would say. "If you are pregnant, do you want to keep it?" Bakugou asked, looking back up at Izuku. Izuku nodded, tears rolling down his cheeks. Bakugou hugged him and kissed the tip of his nose. "I will respect any decision you make, i love you and I won't control what you do with your body. If you want to keep the baby, then I'll let you keep it." Katsuki said softly.

They heard a gentle knock on the door and Katsuki got up to answer. He opened the door to see two little girls waiting outside, one holding a plushie and the other biting her finger. "Is Izu in here?" One girl asked. Bakugou looked back at Izuku. He invited the two girls in the room and they ran to Izuku. "You said you'd help clean our room." One said. Izuku smiled, trying to hide the tears in his eyes. He stood up and walked towards the door. "Would you like to come to?" Izuku asked Katsuki. He walked towards Izuku. The little girl, Orchid Midoriya, walked in front of the two, leading them to her room. The other, Iris Midoriya, walked behind them. Once they got there, Orchid handed Izuku a piece of paper which showed the layout of the room they wanted. Izuku smiled and moved Iris' bed to the opposite wall it was in. "Do you need my help?" Katsuki asked Izuku. "You don't have to help, you can go eat dinner instead." Katsuki frowned, he walked out the room and headed to the kitchen. Izuku motioned for the two girls to follow as he continued moving around the furniture.

Izuku finally finished moving everything an hour later. Orchid looked displeased and told him to move her bed right next to Iris' bed. Izuku sighed and did as she wanted. The rearranging continued for a few more hours until it was dark. By the time Izuku got back to his room, Katsuki was already asleep. He laid in bed and cuddled up to the sleeping boy. He sighed and fell asleep next to him.

The night passed and another sibling, Poppy Midoriya, knocked on their door. Izuku woke up to the sound and answered it. "Hey, Poppy. Do you need something?" Izuku said, rubbing his eyes. "We need to talk to you and Katsuki." Poppy said, seeming somewhat guilty. Izuku went downstairs while Katsuki continued to sleep. All of his siblings were there, except two. Izuku sat down on the lush couch and started twiddling with his thumbs. "It has come to our attention that you may be pregnant. Is this true, Izuku?" Rose said, in a very stern tone. Izuku slightly nodded. Tulip stared at him, her eyes not leaving his. They heard a door open and close, Katsuki walked down the staircase and sat next to Izuku, looking very concerned and worried. "Did you get my little brother pregnant?" Tulip yelled, now standing up. This action startled Katsuki. "I didn't mean to!" He yelled. Izuku looked down, tears pouring out of his eyes. "I'm sorry Tulip. I'm so sorry." He said, wiping away tears on his cheeks. No one noticed this except for Iris and Tiger, yes another sibling. They hugged Izuku, comforting him. They left and went to Izuku's room to calm him down. Everyone was yelling at Katsuki so they didn't notice the three leaving. Katsuki managed to slip away from them and went to Izuku's room.

"Hey, Izuku are you in here?" Katsuki asked, knocking on the door. Tiger opened the door and let him in. He sat on the bed next to Izuku and stroked his cheek. "Do you want to spend the night at my school's dormitory? You can take a pregnancy test there if you'd like." Katsuki asked, being very careful with his words. Izuku nodded and smiled slightly. Bakugou kissed his forehead and hugged him. "You two are spending the night somewhere else? Can I come with?" Tiger asked. "I wanna come with!" Iris exclaimed. Izuku smiled.

That night, Izuku, Katsuki, Tiger, and Iris snuck out and flew to the dormitory. "We have to be quiet because people are sleeping and some people like to stay up and hang out in the living room." Before he could open the door, something caught the four and brought them closer to it. A bright light shines in their face, forcing them to close their eyes. "Bakugou, Prince Izuku?" The figure questioned. "Aizawa sensei?" Bakugou said, looking up at his teacher. Aizawa took the scarf off of them. "What the hell are you doing out here at this time?" Aizawa questioned. Bakugou started to speak but Aizawa put his hand up. "I'll just figure it out in the morning, it's too late so go to bed." He said as he walked away. Katsuki led the three Mythics to his dorm room and they all fell asleep. Bakugou and Izuku we're on the bed while Iris and Tiger were on the small sofa that was at the end of his bed.