
Veronica slowly twisted her neck to take a look at the man beside her who gripped her neck almost immediately with both arms, forcefully choking her.

She clawed at his arms regardless of the pain in her chest before finally scratching across his face.

The man paused for a second and Veronica looked back at her fingers while panting to find his flesh stuck between her nails alongside blood.


Her eyes shot open, her breathing erratic an arm moved to massage her throat. 'Was I dreaming?', she took a few seconds to scan the unfamiliar surroundings which looked like a hospital room. 'How did I even get here', she groaned when a sharp ache shot through her skull and shut her eyes tightly in an attempt to ignore the discomfort.

When she reopened them after massaging her temples with her fingertips, she stared down to find her chest bandages as well.

It took merely a few seconds before she could recall being thrown about and dragged into an alley. Her heart rate increased almost immediately as she recalled someone picking her up and taking her into a car—the same man from the hotel and news.

But she was still conscious when he killed the man from the alleyway.

She rubbed her upper arms where goosebumps formed. Was it strange that she feared him less now after he'd saved her life although she watched him bash someone's head in?

Her hand moved to her neck again recalling the dream she'd had about being strangled. Whenever she dreamt, it was always a nightmare. Or maybe she just never recalled the good dreams?

"Hmm", she chuckled knowing everything could have been avoided if she'd just gone out with Fabian. But she was scared, terrified of being intimate with men for so many years.

In university, she'd dated a hot stud who was a year higher. But the relationship didn't last up to two weeks since her phobia got triggered whenever he attempted to touch her, and he couldn't wait for her to be ready to have sex.

She'd even told him about her past—not for his sympathy, but just so he could understand why she was like that. After he ended things with her, he'd told his friends that she wasn't even a virgin and was still acting like one.

It hurt...

So much that she put on this—'unapproachable-pouty-bitch vibes', so people would give her space.

No one cared to know what you'd been through and it wasn't like they'd understand anyway. Even if they ended up understanding, it couldn't change the past so what was the point in telling anyone?

Human beings change shades faster than dogs. And although Davie could speak, he at least listened to her rambles and she could be sure no one would make fun of her.

She'd saved him from an animal shelter as a pup not long after moving to Augsburg. The caretakers mentioned that his mother and siblings were killed in a road accident.

Maybe that was why she felt some kind of connection to him.

He might have been a little feisty for the first week, but he grew to love Veronica.

She smiled unconsciously before the door behind her slid open, "You're awake? I'll get the doctor". The lady rushed out almost immediately, leaving Veronica to think of how much the bills would be.

In about two minutes, a female doctor who seemed to be in her late thirties entered the room.

"Good day, how're you feeling?", the woman took the seat across from Veronica with an unnatural smile plastered across her face. "Fortunately, your organs weren't harmed but you'll need to lie down for a day or two since you have cracked ribs".

"I was hoping I could leave now, how much is the bill?", she twiddled her thumbs nervously since something seemed to be off about the doctor.

"Sure. That's perfectly understandable, and your bills have already been paid", she nodded locking gazes with Veronica before handing her a note. "You should ask for the pharmacy on your way out and get these drugs".

"Ohh, thanks". Veronica tried to get up but the doctor wasn't done speaking.

"One last question before you go". The smile on her face dropped a little too quickly. "Do you know or remember the man who brought you in?".

"Umm...barely", she gulped. "Am I in trouble?".

"Ohh, no dear", she shook her head before digging her fingers into her breast pocket to get out another piece of paper. "Read this".

Veronica carefully took the piece of paper, gradually unfolding it to read the words in her head. "I've saved your life twice now, you owe me. If you're asked later, you don't know who helped you. This is my family doctor". It was quite short and straight to the point.

"Now let me ask you one more time", her head tilted sideways and her gaze was sharp like she'd been ordered to end Veronica if she didn't comply. "Who brought you in?".

"I don't know...", she gulped. "I lost consciousness while in the alley".

"Excellent!", she clapped once before getting up to take back the piece of paper. "You'd best remember that and not put the young master's kindness to waste", she warned with her back to Veronica before leaving. "Because I really won't want to dissect such a pretty face later".

Veronica sat there silently wondering just what he'd requested of her. Although he helped during her panic attack back in the hotel, he was also the cause of it.

She tried getting up to leave but everywhere ached so she was forced to stay in bed for the next two days.

After being directed to the pharmacy, she bought the required drugs as well as anti-depressants and sedatives.

It was after leaving the hospital building she noticed that the sun was about to set. The same doctor from earlier saw her out with a wink and that was when the lady's words from two days ago dawned on her. 'Did that woman say she'd dissect me if I snitched?!'.