chapter 128

In recent days, there had been constant friction between the immortal and demons.

One said you crossed my boundary here, and the other said you killed my mount there. It was all trivial things, but it was endless.

In fact, everyone knew that since the battle between the immortals and demons 100,000 years ago, the two realms of the immortals and demons had reconciled and lived in peace for many years. Now, this had reached a period of saturation, and mutual hostility had overflowed again, and their disapproval of each other was reaching its peak.

So, the Heavenly Emperor said to Ji Rang, who enjoyed the title of God of War across the world, to go investigate and find out how to solve this matter and try not to do it without starting a war. After all, the gods were still peace-loving.

The God of War, who received the order of the Emperor of Heaven, washed his face, carried his sword, and hacked his way from the Southern Heavenly Gate to the Demon Realm, lifted the roof of the Demon Lord's bedroom, and said to the Demon Lord who was still watching the beautiful women dancing below: "Let's fight."

So, the second war between immortals and demons broke out.

The Celestial God of War and the Demon Lord fought for three days and three nights at the junction of the demon and the immortal realms.

This war once again caused great damage to the vitality of the immortal and devil realms. The Emperor held the Queen Mother and cried: "I also specially ordered him, that we want peace, he must be peaceful! Look, you see what he has made of my six realms. What is this like? What is the title of the God of War, I will just call him the God of Death!"

The culprit did not feel guilty about it at all.

He was a god who was born when the world was born. At that time, there was chaos all around. He had been fighting as long as he could remember. According to him, there was no problem that could not be solved by a fight. If there was, then fight again until the opponent was killed. Fight them until they were convinced.

In the beginning, he hit everyone who didn't please his eyes. Later, the Heavenly Emperor gave him the title of God of War, and he said that he would put the heavy responsibility of protecting the creatures of the Six Realms in his hands, so he gradually began to fight with a purpose.

Now that the Six Realms were peaceful and there was nothing to fight him, only the Demon Lord could still be seen, so it was worth fighting.

Ji Rang patted the spire of the Demon Tower, and lazily said to the demon lord sealed inside: "Come out early, we will fight again."

The Demon Lord was so angry that he yelled: "You wait for me!"

Ji Rang waved his hand and walked back holding his sword. He noticed a shallow demonish energy from behind the stone next to him.

He didn't even think about it, struck out his sword and the big rock turned into dust on the spot. In the flying dust, the little girl in the red dress fell to the ground, looking at him in horror.

The God of War tilted his head to look at her for a while, and asked, "Little demon, why are you hiding here? Want to sneak attack on this deity?"

She shook her head in a hurry, stammered and said: "The road… passing by…"

Ji Rang smiled, retracted his sword, walked slowly over, and squatted down in front of her: "You have a demon energy that is similar to the Demon Lord, who is he to you?"

The little girl consciously couldn't hide it, so she lowered her eyes in resignation, and whispered: "Father."

Ji Rang raised his eyebrows meaningfully: "Oh? You are the little princess whom the demon king regards as the jewel in his palm? Are you here to avenge your father?"

The little girl shook her head repeatedly: "No! I can't beat you; I just wanted to come and see my father…"

Ji Rang glanced at the black Demon Sealing tower behind him and pulled the little girl up from the ground, "It's okay, he will be out in some tens of thousands of years."

The little girl shrank her neck, looking small, and said with her voice soft: "Know… I know… Then, then I'm leaving…"

Ji Rang laughed, holding the person's wrist, he dragged the person into his arms: "You've been caught under the eyes of the deity, still want to leave?"

Qi Ying: "Ah, ah, help, the Demon Commander, come save me!"

The Demon Commander hiding in the dark shivered: "I'm sorry, little princess, Wuwuwu, the minister is not the opponent of this God, the minister will return to the demon world to summon his men and will find a way to rescue you!"

So, the little daughter of the Demon Lord was captured by the God of War.

She was still young, in the mortal world, she would just be a fourteen-fifteen-year-old girl. The God of War bound the demon energy within her casually.

The servants of the God of War thought that the master had brought a little immortal back from wherever the master came back from. The first time they saw the master have physical contact with the woman, although he only held her wrist, they were shocked to the high heaven.

They were all guessing where this little immortal came from.

The fairies were envious and jealous, only "the little immortal" felt bitter in her heart.

The little princess of the dignified Demon Realm was trapped in the Temple of War by an enchantment and became the prisoner of the God of War. How many demons would be heartbroken if this news were to be passed on to the Demon Realm!

But the instigator didn't think he was imprisoning her. He wondered: "The deity gave you food and clothes, and let you sleep in a bed. How is it called imprisonment?"

The little girl said angrily: "Then you let me go!"

Ji Rang sat in front of her and made tea unhurriedly: "You can leave if you want, the deity didn't stop you."

Qi Ying's eyes lit up and she started to run while carrying her skirt. When she reached the door, she thought of something and turned around angrily: "You first remove the barrier outside the temple!"

Ji Rang didn't even lift his eyelids: "That's not okay. That is the defensive barrier that I have carefully arranged for three thousand years. If it is removed, what if a monster comes in to assassinate the deity?"

Qi Ying found it simply unbelievable: "Which monster can beat you among the lands? You are obviously using an excuse to imprison me!"

Ji Rang made the tea, poured it in a cup in his hand and tasted it slowly. He said, "This enchantment has always been there, and it wasn't only put up when you came. Don't make too much of it."

Qi Ying cried with anger.

In fact, this was also normal, just ask the Heavenly Emperor, which one of the people who had reasoned with him had not been made to cry by him.

Qi Ying couldn't get out of the enchantment, so she could only stay in the Temple of War and observe in secret. She found that the fairy servants in the hall could enter and exit normally, and they didn't look like their cultivation was very powerful.

After observing for a period of time, Qi Ying discovered that this should be related to the jade medallion worn on their waist.

So, while Ji Rang was away, Qi Ying stunned the fairy maidservant who was delivering her meal, took the jade medallion from her waist, and ran to the door eagerly.

It turned out that she still couldn't get out.

When Ji Rang came back in the evening, the fairy reported to him that the immortal in the palace had gone on a hunger strike again.

She hadn't eaten two meals.

Ji Rang let the fairy bring a meal over, took the food tray and opened the door and walked into the bedroom.

The little girl lay on the bed with her eyes closed, playing dead.

Ji Rang walked over with a food tray, sat down by the bed, and said quietly: "You are still growing, if you don't eat or drink, you will not only grow taller, but also grow smaller."

The little girl opened her eyes at once, hurriedly pulled the quilt to cover her chest, and scolded him angrily: "Shameless!"

Ji Rang: "…I'm talking about your height."

Her cheeks flushed suddenly, she turned her head away from him, and after a long pause, she turned around and said angrily: "You liar! I still can't get out with the jade medallion. Your enchantment is clearly aimed at me!"

Ji Rang stared at her for a long time, "Just want to go out?"

She snorted.

He brought the food tray over: "I will take you out after the meal."

The little girl turned over and sat up: "Really?!"

He nodded, Qi Ying took the food tray and ate frantically. The food was quickly finished by her. She wiped her mouth with her sleeve and said with a little excitement on her face: "It's finished!"

Ji Rang looked down at her for a while, stretched out his fingers to wipe the corners of her uncleaned mouth, and walked out of the Temple of War while holding her wrist.

Qi Ying found everything fresh.

It was Ji Rang who kept looking at her expression all the way.

The demon world was dark and gloomy, and the colors were dull. The demons were also free to roam about, so the whole environment was very chaotic. But the heavens were completely the opposite, the immortal qi was misty and well organized, and there were strange flowers and trees everywhere, it was also very quiet.

The little girl walked around for a long time and commented pertinently: "It's really the Heavenly realm."

He raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Do you like it?"

The little girl nodded: "Of course, so beautiful."

Ji Rang was silent for a while. After a long time, he shook his head with a low smile: "Weird, every demon who comes to the place hates this place. Even the fragrance of flowers is unpleasant and pungent, but you like it."

Qi Ying looked at him and didn't know what she thought of, she suddenly realized: "So you thought I would hate this place before letting me out?"

The God of War raised his head slightly and restored his condescending look: "Not at all, the deity wants to keep you. Your father's sword pierced the deity's clothes, so naturally you will have to pay the price. The price is you."

Qi Ying: "???" She looked at him incredulously: "What does piercing clothes account for? You still suppressed my father in the Tower of Demon Sealing, what did I do to you?!"

Ji Rang glanced at her faintly: "That also requires you to have the ability to do something to the deity."

Qi Ying: "Ah, ah, ah, ah, I'm fighting with you!"

In the end, the little girl jumped at him with her teeth and claws bared which was resisted by the God of War easily and then he brought her back to the Temple of War.

But after that day, she could come and go freely.

The enchantment of the Temple of War was not aimed at her, but at demons. She had demonish energy in her body, so she couldn't get out naturally. Ji Rang used his own spiritual blood to create a jade bracelet. After she put on the jade bracelet, she could pass through the barrier.

Since then, her tour of the heavenly attractions had started.

Wow, this is Zhu Xiantai who had killed many immortals?

Wow, this is Yuelao Palace, who is in charge of marriages in the world?

Wow, this is the Yaochi that can increase spiritual power for a hundred years with a sweet drink of Qingquan?

Ji Rang accompanied her wherever she went.

In the past, when he was idle, he always liked to find fights in all corners of the world, which seriously affected the good-neighborly friendship of the gods in the heavens. The Emperor of Heaven was frightened all day long. Now he stopped fighting. Everyone who travelled in the mountains and water of the realms every day was relieved.

Thanks to that little immortal!

So, Qi Ying received gifts from many gods.

Magical artifacts, fairy dresses, spiritual pets, and medicines, she was simply more popular here than in the demon realm.

The little girl found it particularly incredible. She ran to Ji Rang and said, "I didn't expect you gods to be so friendly to our people in the Demon Realm. When Lord Father comes out, I must tell him to live in peace with the Heavenly Realm, and respect and love each other!"

One day while she was watching the stars in Xinghechi, the Demon Commander brought his carefully selected 30,000 demon soldiers to enter the Nantian Gate to rescue their little princess.

When the Heavenly Emperor, who was watching the fairies dancing, came to know, he spat out the wine he was drinking.

What? Was the little immortal that the God of War brought with him the princess of the Demon Realm?!

After receiving the news, Ji Rang first led Qi Ying to Nantian Gate to appease the demon soldiers. The Demon Commander saw that the clothes worn by his princess looked more suited for a princess than what she wore in the demon world.

After calming the demon soldiers, he led Qi Ying to meet the Heavenly Emperor.

The Emperor looked at the God of War and snorted while sipping from another drink: "What? Are you going to marry the princess of the Demon Realm?!"

Ji Rang didn't change his face: "The two worlds of immortals and demons will be together forever, and there will be no more wars, and the world will rise to peace, okay?"

Heavenly Emperor: "!!! Good! Very good! Marry! Marry now!"

Qi Ying looked at the hand holding hers, and then at the God of War who was always buzzing around her. She felt that things were going a bit wrong: "When did I agree to marry you?"

Ji Rang turned his head and looked at her: "If you marry me, you can always live in the heavens, and you can see the flowers you like every day. Those flowers are very delicate and can only grow in the heavens. You can also raise cranes. They won't be able to live if you leave this realm. There are the rest of the scenic spots that you have not checked out yet. Only gods with status are eligible to visit…"

Qi Ying: "It's alright, alright, I'll marry, I'll marry, I'll marry."

The first marriage between the immortal and demon worlds kicked off like this.

The two worlds were exultant and friendly, opening up the first immortal-demon diplomatic relationship since the beginning of the world.

Thirty thousand years later, the Demon Lord broke out of the tower.

The first thing he did after coming out was to rush to the Heavenly realm to find the God of War for another battle.

Then he heard the God of War calling him Lord Father.

The Demon Lord looked at him with a horrified face: "??? Who are you calling? Who is your father? You go away!"