Arc 1.12

Xiao Shu helped Shen Jiyu dress while he asked, "Realm Master, what you said in the park, do you really mean it?"

"What I said? Why wouldn't I mean it? Is that not common sense?" He closed his eyes and thought about the day's events. He was too worked up, too worked up. He needed to stay calm and be in Zen. He began to whisper a calming mantra beneath his breath.

A knock interrupted his thought and Nian Zhen's gentle voice came from outside the door, "Are you sure that you don't need my help?"

The Zen mantra disappeared at once and Shen Jiyu shot back hotly, "Do you think I'm a child that can not wear his own clothes?"

There was a slight pause and footsteps were heard as he walked away from the door, his words echoing behind him, "Carry on."

A slight cough sounded behind him, and he saw Xiao Shu looking at him with a strange expression in his eyes.

"Don't think too much! These clothes are a little bothersome. Is there any need for so many frills?" It was a rhetorical question and he did not wait for Xiao Shu's response before diving back into his thoughts.

Ah! Why was he angry and making a fuss? Should he not have outgrown this behaviour? Was it because he saw Feng Mian and fell into familiar patterns? No, he must be doing this because he wanted to annoy Nian Zhen. But Shen Jiyu was no fool, he knew that was not the reason and the thought of it made him even angrier.

"Realm Master! When are we going to begin to start working on other tasks?" Xiao Shu was a little worried. Up until now Shen Jiyu had not given him a hint on how they were planning to resolve the Marquis Obsession, to be honest, he was beginning to suspect that the Realm Master had forgotten their reason for coming here. 

Shen Jiyu glanced at him a little confused before a thought flashed in his mind. Had Wei Mu Chen given him as an assistant so that he could hinder the task and find a way to use it to mock him in the future? That was very reasonable. Mu Chen was definitely capable of it, this entire thing was so fishy. Like hell, was he going to believe that the crown prince was doing it for either the good of the common people or blood ties? 

He scoffed, he didn't care who was scheming or what they were scheming about; all he knew was that nobody should be so foolish as to use him in any of their schemes. Looking at Xiao Shu and thinking that this young ascended immortal might have already been sold by the crown prince and helped him count his money, he spared a little patience, "I have already started my task."

Xiao Shu's eyes sparkled like the Aurora Borealis and he swiftly appeared in front of Shen Jiyu, "What is the Realm Master planning? Are you sticking close to him so you can slowly educate him about forgiveness and moving on? You are going to teach him that the past is not important as the future so he can slowly let go of his obsession."

Educate? Forgiveness? Moving on? What on earth was Xiao Shu going on about? Before he could properly think on the other's words. There was a knock on the door and the voice of a young woman sounded, "Is everything alright, Sir?"

"We would speak on it later, meanwhile look for an assistant host in the company and possess. I do not want to deal with a stranger." After giving his orders, Shen Jiyu left the changing room and stood in front of the two people who were sitting on the couch drinking wine. Oh Drinking wine, while he struggled to get into this ridiculous outfit.

"De toute beaute!" Chen Jiang exclaimed when he saw Shen Jiyu who rolled his eyes. Of course, someone like Chen Jiang would have poor taste.  He glanced over at Nian Zhen who frowned before shaking his head.

"I don't like this set. Change into the next one!" 

Shen Jiyu grinned. They had similar taste, as expected of someone….His thoughts stopped here and he could find anger rising in his chest again. The anger only grew with each hour he spent going through one outfit after the other. He ended up spending close to four hours in the boutique before they departed.

"Bye Bye. Come again." Chen Jiang gritted before blowing them a kiss. Both Shen Jiyu and Nian Zhen simultaneously acted like they did not see his action as they got into the car.

As they drove away from the seat Nian Zhen suddenly said, "Don't worry. Now he has taken note of your body proportions and style, you just have to order online, you don't need to deal with him again."

"But you would still deal with him in person." Nian Zhen heard Shen Jiyu's voice and his hands clenched the steering wheels tighter. Were they going to get into an argument again? 

Shen Jiyu could feel Nian Zhen's entire body next to him tense up and he paused before he leaned back and closed his eyes, "I am hungry."

Nian Zhen opened the compartment and passed him some bars of Milk chocolate, "Eat these, after we finish shopping, we would stop at a restaurant and have dinner?"

Shen Jiyu collected the bar of chocolate and bit into it, it was quite delicious. Not bad. "We are still shopping, you are not tired yet?"

Nian Zhen shook his head. Since Lu Yan would be moving in, he needed to buy quite a lot of household items so he could be more comfortable, besides it would help brush up his feeling of goodwill and dependence on him so it was a win-win.

"We would just get some things you would need. If there is anything you would like for your room, tell me. Lu Yan, I really want you to feel at home."

Shen Jiyu looked at him quietly for a few seconds before he pulled out his cell phone and opened the gallery, pulling up a photo and showing it to Nian Zhen.

Nian Zhen glanced quickly at his phone and raised an eyebrow, "You want a water bed, why?"

Shen Jiyu sighed. He was really magnanimous. If not for Nian Zhen, would he choose to get a water bed? He had always loved water, there were two hot water lakes in his palace for him to relax but here he could not even have a pool.

"I learned that managers don't make that much. You are too poor to afford a pool, I can only make do with this." He switched off the phone, placing it back into his pocket before he glanced up at Nian Zhen, "Say, I am not good to you."

Nian Zhen's entire body trembled but he could not hold it back and burst into laughter. 

"Hahaha." His eyes bent into crescent as his whole body shook. He was poor? He? This Lu Yan was really something else. He was sitting in a state-of-the-art car that cost more than 30 million and yet he is pitying him and claiming that he was poor. Besides who was poor between the two of them? He trembled minutely before he began another round of laughter.

Shen Jiyu frowned and was about to reprimand him when he paused. Just now, Nian Zhen looked so at ease, so happy that he seemed to glow. 

He had never noticed before but when Nian Zhen laughed so freely, he really looked so beautiful.