Arc 1.22

[Trigger warning... Suicide, homophobia]

Nian Zhen was in Lincoln, a country far away from his home town accompanying Mimi for the fashion show she would be participating in. Lincoln was a country of glam and there was always something going on but Nian Zhen could not be bothered, even if he tried his best not to think of home and Lu Yan.

She reached out and took out his phone ignoring the tens of notifications that suddenly filled his view.

Fei Lin: All the documents are ready, should I go ahead and take their pictures?"

Fei Lin had sent the message last night and yet Nian Zhen has not replied to him. Why was he hesitating? Is this not the reason he entered this entertainment circle? The reason he had been working so hard all these years. Just a single word and he would expose Xui Fan for the lying hypocrite he was.

Seeing how homophobic his country was and the fact that Xui Fan was married to the image of a gentle wife in the media, the picture would be enough to destroy the halo that Xui Fan had on his head so he could start releasing other incriminating evidence.

Why was he hesitating? There was no good reason not to do this. If Xui Fan is elected mayor and enters fully into politics, he might never have a chance like this again.

The feeling consumed him, like an obsession he could not get rid of. He had to, he needed to expose Xui Fan to the whole world.

Nian Zhen made up his mind. It was worth it. Sacrificing Lu Yan's name and reputation was worth it. He was not some kind of good person, anyway

'Yes', He typed and switched off his phone. He switched off his phone and after a few seconds, he switched it on and added another person, 'Make arrangements for a new identity and a duplex by the sea in Toronto. I will transfer the money into your account.'

After sending the message, he switched off the phone. The following week he tried his best to focus on Mimi and the fashion shows she has to attend. But no matter how much he tried to distract himself, a terrible feeling continued to invade his heart like the 'pita pata' of the rain on the dry soil.

That evening he was going to work on rejecting some interviews when someone barged into his room without knocking. Nian Zhen was annoyed and stared at Mimi with a frown.

"Why are you back so soon?"

"Zhen Ge. I have called you at least twenty times. Why...why is your phone switched off?" Her voice was a little out of breath showing that she had rushed back into the house without resting.

Nian Zhen removed his glass and dropped into the table, leaned back into the softy leather chair before asking her, "What did you do this time?

"Me...I did not do anything. It is Lu Yan. Zhen Ge, I don't know if you can solve this one, it is a little too late." Mimi said as she scrolled through her phone. There was a hint of disdain on her lips.

Hearing Lu Yan's name, Nian Zhen rushed from the chair, scaring Mimi as he snatched her phone from her. On Weibo, the trending post was 'Xui Fan's affair'

The first picture below it was Xui Fan and Lu Yan in a very close and ambiguous position that felt very intimate. If anyone wanted to doubt the first picture, the second one was a little blurry but it was even more intimate. Xui Fan was lying on the ground and Lu Yan sat, straddling him. He was grabbing his collar and pulling him close to his face. 

Nian Zhen's eyes automatically moved to the comments.

'I recognize the person. It is Lu Yan, that immortal actor in Ascendance of a Demon. To think he is like this'

'I can't believe it. A married man kissing a man in public and I thought I wanted to vote for Xui Fan.'

'A married man. Even if Lu Yan wanted to open his legs, if there were any men on the street, why would he do something like this? Disgusting.'

'I just threw up my food. Disgusting +2'

Disgusting +34699'

Nian Zhen's fingers trembled but he did not feel the joy he thought he would feel when the world was disparaging Xui Fan, they were even more ruthless towards Lu Yan.

Lu Yan.

He rushed back to the table and switched off his phone. Thousands of messages bombarded his phone causing it to hang.

There were missed calls from everyone. Fei Lin had called him several times before saying that he would go ahead and post the evidence.

Nian Zhen did not give it any thought as he searched for Lu Yan's contact. Lu Yan had called him six times.

He dialled him aback as he made for the door, ignoring Mimi's calls from behind him. Lu Yan's phone was switched off, and the cold dread in his chest continued to increase as Lu Yan's phone was switched off.

Nian Zhen rushed to the airport and booked a flight back home. The events that were happening were faster than his plans. His thoughts moved speedily from Who had done this? From 'Why was Lu Yan not picking?' to 'Why did Xui Fan's PR not block this?'

Even Xiao Shu's number was not going through. He went over Weibo which was as hot as fire. Even his name was trending that he had been involved in the unspoken rules with his artist and Xui Fan.

Was Lu Yan seeing this as well?

When he reached home, it was in the wee hours of the morning. The house was extremely quiet as he walked in.

"Lu Yan!" He called out. His footsteps slowed down as he made his way to Lu Yan's room. The room was tidied and there was a white paper note on the table. 

Nian Zhen picked it up, gripping the paper tight. There was a lump in his throat and the spirit of foreboding wrapped its arms around his neck making it difficult for him to breathe.

'It is so painful. I don't think I can bear it anymore. Sorry Nian Zhen. Sorry for ruining your name.'

'No' Nian Zhen's voice was hoarse as it left his mouth. He felt a chilling cold invade his whole being as he staggered to the bathroom, 'No...God please no.."

His feet were as if it was made of lead, very heavy to lift. 

Nian Zhen stood before the bathroom door for a minute before he opened the door and slumped to the ground.

Pain carved itself deeper and deeper into Nian Zhen's bones as he viewed the body in a pool of red.

Crawling to the edge of the pool, he reached to touch the body. It was cold, so cold and stiff.

"Lu Yan." Nian Zhen called quietly, his eyes wide and red.

"Lu Yan!" Nian Zhen called again, again and again.