Arc 2.10 Pushing Slowly to the Wall

"What did you think of it?" Shen Jiyu said as he watched Basil flip the note for the seventh time. "I wrote it myself, there is nothing wrong with it."

Proud. The more time Basil spent with Haldir, the more he felt like the other's wings should be exchanged for the colourful feathers of a peacock and the most painful part was that he could not even find a little error in this essay that would make the other stop glowing so damn brightly.

"It is alright. Thank you!" Basil said and placed the book carefully in his bag, he stood up to leave before he paused, a trace of expectation in his gaze.

Shen Jiyu grinned; Xiao Shu's had proved to be extremely helpful in this realm. He leaned back on the large desk and opened the top drawer and brought out a beautiful package that was wrapped in a large banana leaf.

It was a slice of cake that Xiao Shu had baked earlier during the day. It was his biggest incentive used to tempt Basil into considering his advice and staying after class for extra lessons. The spiritual power in Elvina was greater than the realm that Shen Jiyu had visited, however, the delicacies on Earth were far more delicious. For something sweet, the people of Elvina preferred to have simple fruits and nuts.

Basil reached out and took a bite of the chocolate cake. The cake was warm and soft and it melted in his mouth. He involuntarily closed his eyes to better savour the sweet delight that flowed from the tip of his tongue, spreading throughout his mouth. It is truly unlike anything he had ever tasted before even when he was at the height of his power. It was wondrous in the least.

Shen Jiyu smiled, he leaned against his left arm as he watched the other eat the cake with relish. Basil looked so fascinating, his eyes closed and his face flushed with delicious delight. He could watch him all day long.

So beautiful.

It was also a good plan. Shen Jiyu shamelessly patted himself on the back, such a wonderful idea. Three weeks and there was already a huge change from the shy, reclusive and gloomy young man he had met in at the forest. Basil easily initiated conversations with him and was more willing to explore the world around him.

"You said that if I passed Herbology with the highest mark you would share this recipe with me." Basil asked quietly when he was done with the cake, he felt a little ashamed, he was already changing his planned course for a little sweet, was he a dog?

The smile on Shen Jiyu's face got even wider and he reached for a yard after taking a inch, "I have changed my mind, if you pass the Herbology course and apply for a position in the Herbology Consortium after graduation, then I would you the recipe for the cake."

Basil's argent eyes were usually a dull metallic gray but suddenly there was the sharp shade of a polished needle and he stared at Shen Jiyu.

"Are you playing with me?" Due to years of non-existent communication, his voice was hoarse and he enunciated his words slowly in the empty classroom, it brought about an eerie feeling of danger.

Shen Jiyu felt a little cold and stood up from the chair, walking round to where Basil stood. He sat at the edge of the table and raised his hand to briefly touch Basil's hair, "Can't I? This looks good on you, feeling angry, you should not suppress your emotion. It is not good for your health."

Basil ground his teeth in anger and his previous calm splintered into a million pieces. First was giving him treats, now he is petting his head. This person was so proud, arrogant and infuriating. He suddenly wished to kill him, revive him and kill him again, before redoing the process seven times over.

He refused to give Shen Jiyu any extra glance before he turned and walked out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind him.

Shen Jiyu sighed, "You see he is still so cautious even when he is angry. He should have.."

Before he could complete the sentence, the shut door suddenly opened again and then slammed so loudly that the entire building shook.

Shen Jiyu was quiet for a while before he bent out, his entire body shuddering.

"Hahaha!" His laughter filled the entire classroom, he laughed for a long time before the classroom returned to silence.

A glow flew out, transforming into a young man who sat by the window, it was clear he was maintaining a distance from the Realm Master he had just deemed as a crazy person.

"I have never seen him get angry. I just thought he had a really good temper…"

Xiao Shu did not need to ask who as he watched Shen Jiyu sit cross legged on the desk.

Shen Jiyu did not try to specify who it was either as he stared at the door, his blue eyes glowed unnaturally. He never imagined that that expression, those flaring nostrils, clenched fist and tensed muscles as Basil's face contorted in anger would bring him so much pleasure.

An intense light flashed through his eyes. "Feng Mian". Shen Jiyu murmured like the prayer of a priest.

An image of a sleeping immortal flashed in his kind. His expression was soft and serene as if that mask had molded itself into his face. Shen Jiyu wanted to tear it off, he wanted him to wake up so he could see everything. Every expression, astonishment, fury, hater, guilt, grief, excitement, ecstasy, he wanted to see it all.


May pressed his aching forehead and let out a painful moan- the aftereffects of the large information that the Bureau had dumped in his head. He climbed down from the bed with difficulty, his limbs felt stiff and rusty as if they had rusted and his ears were full of buzzing.

The information transfer was what he hated the most about the Bureau of monitoring. They needed to step up their game. Even though he condemned the Bureau in his mind, he could not help but let out a smile. He had been placed as a sleeping agent in the realm of Elvina for over two hundred years and this was the first time he was being activated,

He chuckled slowly to himself. It might be bad news for Elvina but for him as long as he does a good job, he might get promoted and be posted in a higher tier realm or…He swallowed, he might have a chance to be posted to the Headquarters in the Heavenly Capital. May's heart pounded with ecstasy with the mere thought.