Arc 3.02 Who Killed May?

Shen Jiyu wrote for a while before he closed the book. A small smile played on his lips, 

What parts of Feng Mian would he see in the realms that he would visit next? The Book shimmered and the river of seals surrounded it as it turned back into a token.' Shen Jiyu stood up and the purple and golden robes he wore for lounging in his rooms changed, the sleeves became longer and the tassels took a more formal shape. The colour changed into the official Lavender and teal of the Penglai realm as he stepped forward, appearing next in the memorial room.

"We greet the Realm Master!" The Scribes echoed as they kowtowed in front of the throne.

"Rise!" Shen  Jiyu said as he took his own seat. Lui Jia was not lying, thousands of memorials filled the desk before him. He looked down at the scribes who all sat cross-legged on a pillow, a jade scroll on the wooden desk before them as they waited for the reading of the memorials and proposals. He chuckled to himself, why do they look like students about to write a test?

He nodded to Lui Jia who knelt by his left and a memorial filled up in front of her and she began to read out loud, "Talents in Penglai are like the Seamen pearls, nowhere to be found." Shen Jiyu who had initially been sitting upright could not help lopping his head to the side as Lui Jia read the extremely lengthy monologue, detailing how the young immortals of Penglai had the lowest ranking in the Dao Summit that was concluded recently and how the Court should provide more aids and incentives to motivate the young immortals in the Realm.

"Your Grace, this can not be done. That would taint their karma, the struggle of cultivation is a solitary one. It would not do for old people to get involved in matters of the young ones." An old scribe with murky yellow eyes commented.

"I disagree. Your Grace, We are the Court of Penglai, it is not a problem for us to help. Our rankings continued to drop each thousand years and that would bring a bad reputation to us as a realm. Life is not a solitary journey.''

The person that spoke was a young woman around the age of 17 in a bright yellow luxurious robe with a deer embroidered atop it.

Shen Jiyu yawned. Before he enjoyed the arguments of the scribes, it was one of the few pleasures Shen Jiyu had at home but now he could not wait to unearth the various parts of Feng Mian he had never seen before. 

"You would discuss amongst yourself and then submit an agreement to me. Moving on."

The scribes looked up at Shen Jiyu in shock. Their expressions turned solemn as they started to ruminate in their hearts in unison. Was this the same Realm master that would ask them to argue even more? 

Shen Jiyu's long black hair was pinned up with a tiger-crested hairpin, his long robes had a button open and he had a smirk on his face that seemed to be walking from the road of arrogance to the gate of boredom. Shen Jiyu sat on the pedestal looking at them, the indescribably vast and powerful aura that danced around him pressed down on them, daring them to say a word. 

But it was not just fear, to the scribes of the Penglai Court, what they felt for the young Realm was nothing short of absolute respect and awe. They calmed their minds as they waited for the memorial attendant to read the next memorial. 

Lui Jai read the next memorial, this one was concerning their last war in Penglai and the high number of displaced orphans on the street. Shen Jiyu sat up a little and ruminate before providing solutions. They delegated over the memorials and proposals for close to a week before Shen Jiyu dismissed them. 

The Scribes stood up and kowtowed before they left the room in an orderly fashion.

Lui Jia also stood up from where she knelt and moved closer to Shen Jiyu, standing just right next to him. She placed a small wooden slate heaped high with scrolls.

"Your Grace, these are the scrolls from Official Ming Ye and his factions."

Shen Jiyu opened the first scroll, it was a lifelike drawing of a woman. The woman was wearing a fluttering white dress and had features that were as pretty as a blooming rose bush. She seemed refined and beautiful with a pair of large, clear black eyes emitting an air of liveliness. Her name and Realm were there as well as her virtues and the things she had achieved in her lifetime.

Shen Jiyu rubbed his nose and opened the next scroll. It was the picture of another woman, her skin shone like a sunset-soaked desert, her body was voluptuous and her breasts were partially exposed, with her long black hair curled loosely on her shoulder and beautiful facial features, the lady in the picture was extremely sexy and alluring.

Shen Jiyu heard a small stifled chuckle by his side and he turned to glare at Lui Jia.

"What exactly is so funny?" However, even as he glared at her, Shen Jiyu did not suppress her with his aura. Lui Jia had served his mother before she served him. He respected her.

"Your Grace. I just can't believe that Official Ming Ye submitted more than ten thousand scrolls of immortals for you to choose from. Does he have that much free time on his hands?"

She also knew what Shen Jiyu wanted to hear. Her frown slowly disappeared. But Immortal Ming Ye was not wrong either, the lack of an heir to guard Pwenglai gate in case Shen Jiyu passed away was causing instability in the Court. The Realm Master needed to find a wife or husband who could bear a child and soon.

"He probably does. Delegate the matter of the displaced orphans to him and the new 

Abyss that opened up in the North. You can also go." Lui Jia bowed and disappeared.

Shen Jiyu signed as he looked through the scrolls. You can see the difference in the family peerage and ancestry by the people they recommended. Families like the Wang, Ma, Sun, and Gao recommended some of the most beautiful [people Shen Jiyu had seen, while more prominent families like the Ming, Yang and Huang recommended people with a strong and rare body of Yin. As the only Divine White Tiger in Heaven, the only person that had more Yang energy than Shen Jiyu was the Current Realm Master of Longmen, the Azure Dragon of the East. He needed someone with extreme Yin Roots in order to have a child, someone like..Like Feng Mian. He looked at all the pictures of the dazzling and alluring figures of Heaven but he could not even arouse a single iota of interest.

Not only had Feng Mian dumped him, but he had also successfully ruined him for everyone else. A familiar anger entered his heart and he gritted his teeth. After putting Feng Maisn together, he would tell him exactly what he thinks of him. He needed to get back. But before then_

Shen Jiyu flickered as he shot down. He traversed layer upon layer of spatial barrier and in the blink of an eye, he was already outside a small green realm. Countless stars circulated around the realm, emanating numerous dazzling glows. The Dao Law of Wood surrounded the planet, like a mother chick protecting its eggs.

It did react as Shen Jiyu touched the Realm. He frowned when he could not find what he was looking for. He gestured casually with his left hand and a small cauldron with a tiger crest appeared and sat on the small realm. As soon as the treasure ap[pesared, a bright light flashed and images appeared in front of the Shen Jiyu. He saw May as he stalked Basil, as he attacked him from a corner and set fire to the house.

He moved the images quickly and he lifted his eyebrow, a small smile on his lips. Basil was sitting on a tree, chatting with three dark elves when Mary appeared behind him; he did not have a chance to attack when he was dragged away by Xiao Shu.

May tried to fight but he was quickly subdued by Xiao Shu. Shen Jiyu had never seen Xiao Shu's eyes shine so brightly as they did when he looked at May. The expression on his face was excited, like the kind an animal would reveal before tearing its teeth into something.

He knelt on May's stomach and pulled out a small dagger from his back. The dagger slowly cut a linde through May's fair neck, like a baker slicing up soft bread