Arc 3.18

As they spent more time together Shi Zian slowly got to know more about the young lady. She loved to read, loved to sleep, was arrogant, taking his house as hers, loved to lie under the sun with a book like a big cat and loved to tease him.

Shi Zian felt ashamed that he consistently fell for her remarks and teasing jibs. His cheeks easily reddened which he hated. He should be more thick-skinned. He also never asked her how she was able to heal him and she never spoke about it.

It was not bad, living like this. He had even forgone his cultivation that had consumed his being, staying idle, cultivating plants and herbs, tending to the fish and playing go with the young lady. In the depths of his heart, he could feel joy- he couldn't deny this feeling. This person who he did not even know anything about, her name or where she came from was slowly colouring his word.