Arc 5.21 Dont call me Master

Shen Jiyu woke up, he stretched in the darkness, freezing at the ache that followed every movement of his muscles. The shocking images of the previous flashed in his mind. The ropes, the way that Yan Xiang had pleasured him and all the things that he had made him say. He shuddered at the mere memory.

How indecent! How immoral! Shen Jiyu had read many books on lovemaking but he had never read something like that before, his heart pounded and his tips of his ears flushed red. What kind of books was Yan Xiang and where did he learn this kind of thing? And he, he might have argued that he was indulging Yan Xiang but he knew it was not true.

Yesterday had been so exciting in a different way, it was like tasting a fruit that he was not allowed to, forbidden and intriguing.