Arc 5.24 Food as Incense

Shen Jiyu had never felt so excited to sleep before. By 10 p.m., he took his bath and lay under the soft covers. As if noticing his excitement, sleep eluded him. 

He sighed, "With gentle words, the starry hours sings, guiding your weary spirit on silken wings." Before he could finish the chant, his eyes closed, by the time he woke up, it was already morning. Shen Jiyu frowned, he did not come again. Why?

He opened the room door but everywhere was oddly quiet, "Xiao Su?" There was no reply and he frowned. He did not have Yan Xiang's number either, Shen Jiyu clenched his fist tightly. The next time he comes, he would stamp his forehead with a tracing talisman.

Shen Jiyu sulked as he moved to the living room. The remote was on the stand where he left and he picked it up, switching to the news channel.