Arc 5.33 Second Mission and a chance for some room sneaking

Two days later, the three of them headed to Huoning Airport for Zhu Xi's last mission for the year.

"Teacher." Yan Xiang said as he nudged closer to Shen Jiyu.

Shen Jiyu looked down at him at him, "What is it?" His voice was softer than usual, Zhu Xi glanced at him but he didn't say anything. Shen Jiyu's indulgence of Yan Su, he has experienced in full force.

Shen Jiyu was wearing a light coloured long sleeved Tang suit, with the collar buttoned to the top. His temperament was as cold as ice. His face was very pale, and his skin could be described as flawless. It was as smooth as jade, and even made people want to touch it to see if it was equally cold.

Yan Xiang hid a smile. He was the only one in the world who had seen Zhu Ye's skin flushed pink, his expression enraptured with lust, the coldness in his bones falling apart as he thrust into him. "Teacher, I am afraid of heights. Could I hold your hand when the plane takes off?"