Arc 6.5 Please Continue

Shen Jiyu pulled down the window, it was already evening but he could see the person in front of him quite distinctly. Brown hair that reached his nape and a pair of sharp emerald eyes. 

The young man did not hesitate but walked to the truck and opened the passenger seat.

"Are you bitten or injured?" Ya Wen asked, finding it difficult to be harsh to the handsome man in the car seat.

"No, thank you for the lift. I have been out here trying to get a car for the longest time." His words were a little distant but the girl did not mind. She turned to Shen Jiyu and asked quietly, "Brother Xuan. It is alright, right?"

Shen Jiyu turned and his blue eyes met emerald eyes, their stares holding for a couple of minutes. "I do not care as long as he is not a dead weight."

Ya Wen laughed happily, "My name is Ya Wen, and this is Brother Xuan, What is your name?"

"Xiao Shu." He said quietly, "Where are you heading to?"