3| Job hunting

The next morning......

I parked my car at the parking space beside the road and strode out because I want to get coffee.

What says the time at this hour?

I glance on my wristwatch and it told me 12:01pm.



Have I been submitting my CVs for the past five fucking hours?

After I spoke with mom and dad about me getting a job to take care of myself and the upcoming baby, I got an idea of going job hunting....

It's apparently my first time to go job searching since I finished college. My Ex didn't allow me to work.

He usually said....

'Why do you want to work when I'm here? Whatever you need will be provided by me. All you have to do is ask.'

You see the purpose why they say 'Women education ends in the kitchen?'

Anyway, all those are in the past now.

We're divorced and I can no longer ask him for things or him providing my supplies.

I have to do it on my own.

Crink. Crink.

The bell above the door shook when I pushed it open.

I kindly make my way to the counter.

"Hi, good.... afternoon?" I smiled to attendant, still not sure if it's noon yet. "Can I get whipped cream and chocolate?"

"Whipped cream?" She scoffed. "Making it sound more like it's an ice cream shop."

Yeah, whatever. Just give me what I want and let me get the living hell outta here.

I rolled my eyes, inwardly.

Iced coffee was ready on the go in no time.

A silly smirk appeared on her face when she handed it over.

"What's your name?" I asked instead of 'What the fuck is amusing you'?


I twitched my lips to one side. Sound weird just like her.

"From where?" I'm a bit curious for the accent, though.


Oh yeah. Not my kinda town person.

I paid for the coffee, and turn around about to leave but someone covered my eyes from behind.

And as I can hear, the anonymous person is whispering words to another anonymous people whom I don't know.

My brows creased.

"Who the fuck are you—"

"Surprise!" The person let go of my eyes and I saw six strange eyes staring into mine with excitement.

Guessing from their outlook.....I fucking don't know who these girls are.

I stood rooted, studying their faces one by one while they giggled at me.

"Sorry, do I know you guys?"

One gasped. "It's us." She began to introduce themselves. "Remember me? Rebecca? And that's Flora and this' Emily? From Wesley Nursery Montessori?"

My face crumpled. I shook my head. "Never remembered that."

The Flora girl shook my arm, chuckling. "Come on, we were just five then. How could you forget about the naughty things you did at that tender age?"

"Even in nursery camp, she used to suck her thumb finger." Emily chuckled.

This time, my brows rose above my head.

Whoa, whoa.

Like me, suck my fingers?

Mom and dad didn't tell me things like this.

The three girls played a silly signal move at me and I knew that trick isn't common.

Of course I knew them.

"Madness dance!" I gasped.

"Precisely!" Flora hugged me.


We picked a table and settled down. Emily ordered more cappuccinos for us. She also asked Angéle to return the money of the coffee I paid for and paid for everyone's treat instead.

I'm delighted to have my longtime friends back.

"Where have you been?"

"Like, it's years now."

"More like a decade?" I chuckle, shoving one scoop full of ice coffee dessert into my mouth.

"We really missed you, girl." Rebecca squealed.

I rubbed her knuckles and whisper, "I miss you guys too, Becca."

When my eyes landed on the rings in their fingers.... I mean, the three girls fingers, I gasped.

"Don't shock me."

"Bout what?" Flora seem to be lost, likewise the other girls giving me a 'What's that'? Look.

I pointed my chin at their fingers.

They glance down, faced each other and chuckled.

"Oh, you mean...." Rebecca twinkled her shinning ring finger at me. "This?"

My eyes pathetically bugged, "You're married? You guys?"

Flora shrugged, taking a sip from her coffee. "Not yet. We're just engaged."

Engaged? By one man?

Well, come on. All three of them are putting on a very expensive ring. What do you expect?

Seems like Emily could read my brain.

She laughed and poke my arm, "Don't be silly like the little five year old Laura we knew. Of course not, our fiancés are literally close friends and neighbors in the community."

"So they planned it all up in one day." Flora added.

"Aww, your fiancés must love you guys so much to create a perfect date for such a sweet gift."

Is it really a gift? Because I already lost my present two months ago.

"So....," Rebecca placed down her cappuccino and clasp her fingers. "How's life going with you? Have a boyfriend yet?"

The sound of that question going straight into my ear linked down to my heart. Causing a mysterious heartbreak.

I sighed, staring at my coffee like I could see everything about my past in it.

"It's.... it's a very long story, guys."

If you ask me? I don't want to reverse back. It still hurt me and I feel bad for falling for Blanca's bags of tricks and fake friendship.

"Hey," Emily reached for my hand, "You can share it with us."

I lifted my head. My eyes fallen in downcast.

Should I?

"Spill it out. Problem shared is half solved." Flora whispered.

I took a very deep breath and exhaled sharply. I don't want to tear up in front of my Friends.

All in the name of telling them what happened to my relationship and how it had an effect on me.

"There was this guy..." I sighed again, trying to keep the tears from licking down. "I loved him, we both loved each other so much. And there was this girl I choose as my bestie. Her name is Blanca Suarez, we attended same college and lived in the same apartment..."

Rebecca rubbed my knuckles when she saw the tears draining down my cheeks. Flora and Emily's lips curled down in pity for me.

"Everything was going fine. Blanca never knew Dawson until I introduced them together. Though Dawson and I attended same highschool, he engaged me back then and we promised to get married immediately I get out of college."

Rebecca shook her head slowly, feeling my pains.

"It happened. We got married, went for our honeymoon and came back to live with his family for a while before moving back to his luxury villa." I sniffed my nose. "Blanca would always come over time to time to see me. We talked and she'd ask me every detail about my marital life of which I'd told her because I trusted her like a sister and bestie."

"Fuck!" I think Emily can see the end from here as she cursed. Flora pat her arm to shut up.

The next line was too strong for me. The words shook in my mouth, causing my lips to wobble as I try to heave back the heavy tears.

"She made me do so many things, commit atrocities, fake a rumor against my ex and his family, spoil their image and ruin the family name and reputation so they can hate me and kick me out." Rebecca handed me her handkerchief. "One month after, Dawson didn't come home. He lied to me he's in Florida for a business appointment and the following week, I got a call from court. And when I got there.....it was Dawson and Blanca's wedding alongside with my divorce papers."

I burst into a heavy cry. Sobbing like a baby in the handkerchief.

Rebecca, Flora and Emily, drew their seats closer to mine. They patted my back and shoulders softly.

"It's okay. Relax, it's not over yet. Revenge is always a second chance." Flora soothe me.

I shook my head, slowly. Still weeping. "I don't do revenge. I don't know how and I don't want to hurt anyone."

"The only person to be hurt is the Blanca girl." Rebecca pointed out, frowning.

"No." I brush my nose with the handkerchief and place it on the table. "I still love Dawson. I truly love him irrespective of what happened between us. It's all my fault, I fell for Blanca's tricks and this happened to me. I deserve the heartbreak but all I need is for Dawson to give me attention so I can explain things to him."

"When was the last time you bumped into him?" Emily asked.

I paused for a while, thinking. "Two months ago? That's when we split and parted ways."

"I'm so sorry this kind of thing had to happen to you, Laura." Rebecca sighed.

I shook my head, and cried no more. "Yes. Thank you for your condolences, but I won't give up on my love for Dawson. I'll make sure I do everything I can to get him back." I stated firmly. "And his baby will be a surprise when he finds out."

Flora gasped, "Don't tell me you're pregnant with his child." When I shook my head, she sighed. Shaking her head in pity. "Laura?"

"We only had sex once and....maybe one more during our honeymoon? Well, yes we'd had sex couple of times after we got married but I didn't tell my parents the truth. They'll screw me or stand on his side. Come on, guys."

Well, yeah?

I didn't open up to mom and dad fully because I'd know they'll freak out.

Dawson and I had sex to the fullest, even to the last day before a conflict arose between us. And all those times, we never used protections because he said we were married and don't need to hide anything.

"Are you sure you want to do this alone?" Rebecca asked me when I told her I want to have the baby alone. "You can still go to Dawson's family's mansion and tell him about—"

"No!" I objected. "He is clever and smart. With what happened between us, first he won't believe me and second maybe he'll think it's somebody else's child since we're no longer together."

Emily shook her head. "Hmm. Kinda make sense here. So what are your plans? Do you have a job?"

I twitched my lips and brought out my credentials. I placed it on the table. "This thing has been keeping me in the City since morning. I've submitted it everywhere, they told me they'll call me if am lucky for the job. I even went to apply at a gas station as a gas cashier—"

"Damn those shits!" Rebecca cursed and took my credentials. "You're coming with us. We have vacancy in one of our departments. Am sure Patricia will help us with that. Right girls?"

"Really?" I turn towards Flora and Emily who also gave me the 'Sure girlie' smile.