11| It's my fault


I scanned through one of the documents waiting for my signature. I flipped over some random pages. I adjusted my glasses so I can read the tiny lines properly.

Maybe not this one. It's a document for one of my clients.

I place it back on the desk and took another one. Yeah, this one. I glance down, trailing my finger through the words as I view carefully.

I bit the lid of my pen as I intently study the words and whatever it said.

"Hello, lawyer."

I lifted my head from what I was reading to see who just bursted into my office without a knock. My face lit up when I knew who it was. "Hi, handsome."

I put down the file to give him attention. He walked towards my desk with a bright smile and both hands tucked into his front pockets.

"How's it going?" He squatted down beside me. Giving me all the time on earth to study his facial features.

"Fine." I just said with a slight shrug and a blush because we're almost too close.

"Hey," He said, taking my hand in his which made me feel a little bit electrocuted in my spine. "I already told you, don't stress yourself too much."

I bit my lower lip and wanting to retrieve my hand but I just couldn't. I won't deny the fact that I love him holding my hand. It makes me feel….. too protected and secured.

"Thanks but, this is what I love doing and I don't find it stressful for myself."

I assume he understands.

"Beside…." I try to avoid his gaze from the words that yet to fly out of my mouth. It definitely might wanna make me blush. "You've done more than enough for me and my kids these past three years—"

"Shh," He shut me up with one finger crest against my lips. "You were once a part of this family, Laura. I would never forget that. Simone and Nora are also part of the family too, yes they're my cousin's kids and I took my time to raise them like they're mine."

I cupped my chin, knowing that my ex-husband's cousin brother, Jake Anderson, is a true good man. I remember running out of Dawson's house that day three years ago, I met him in his car outside the massive gate.

I was so devastated and shattered that I didn't know what to do or where to start from at that moment, but he took me in, took care of I and my twins, Simone and Nora.

He cherished my kids like they're truly his and sometimes I ask God, why wasn't he the one I should have married first, rather than being with that bastard whom betrayed me with my ex-best friend?

Well, I assume fate just made me pass through hard times before giving me another chance. I don't know what might happen between I and Jake but I assume it'd be a good one because I'm beginning to like him around.

Besides.... We're living together like married couples?

"How was the party?" I broke our longtime eye contact.

He exhaled, stood up and leaned against the desk with his arms crest against his chest. "Fine." He shrugged. "He has some crisis to solve and asked me to….you know."

I get it.

I refuse to admit it. I shook my head vigorously and back on to face my files. "No." I stated firmly. "Am not."

"You can. He's still the father of your kids."

I don't give a damn. I focused on my work. "The same one who wanted to trade my kids for his mistress? What does he want me for this time?"

"Literally," Jake took the file from me. He closed it and kept it on top of the other unchecked files and said, "It turns out that his mistress ended up betraying him."

I let out a mockery chuckle and mimicked his words silently.

"It wasn't true love, Laura." He took my hand in his again, making me to face him properly. "It was lust for him and his wealth. Blanca has successfully succeeded in taking everything away from Dawson. She plotted an accident that made him end up in a wheelchair."

Not surprising to me. I only smirked.


"And now that she has it all, she took over the family's company and filed a lawsuit against Dawson."

"So, he needs my help to overcome her and get everything back?" When he nods, I narrowed my eyes, "Why me? Why not somebody else? I mean," I try not to laugh, "Am not the only one who runs a supreme high court, right?" I quoted with my fingers. I rolled my eyes and swirl my ergonomic chair as I get back to work.

Jake got tired of me damning him without a specific response. He took the file and shut it again. And when I faced him with a frown to ask him while, his hands came settling on my armchair, causing him to chime closer to my face.

Everything I wanted to say...dissipated like salt being disolved in warm water. I can no longer do anything but stare straight into his captivating brown eyes.

I swear the Anderson's are full of brown eyes and they succeeded in making my kids one of the brown eyes gangsters.

"Even me." His tone sound seductive enough for a woman to rip off her underwear. "I don't want to care either but as you know, he's my brother and I have to pretend to help him out. Though, I really hate him for sure and I don't want to grant him a piece of help."

"So…." My words slurred. My cheek is burning of blushes. "You believe that it wasn't my intention to ruin the family?"

"Stop blaming yourself for that piece of shit, Laura. You're a beautiful woman. Too pretty to be guilty…." His thumb finger romanced my lower lip. Making me close my eyes softly like he's already kissing me.

When I thought it was just thumb finger, I think I misunderstood it from his lips.

My arms came wrapping themselves around his neck as a moan escapes my mouth. His kiss was tender, passionate and calm. I've never been romanced like this before.

The kiss speaks to me about something….. something sweet.


He stopped after a while, so I could catch some breath. And then, our eyes locked. "He abandoned you. But I won't. Do you trust me?"

Without thinking twice, I shook my head like a lizard.

He lifted me from my seat and place me on the desk, causing my files and documents to spill on the floor.

I chuckled after jolting from the shock of how he took me into his arms.

"Don't worry, I'll get you a new one this afternoon." He's talking bout my broken laptop.

I don't know if this is what I've been waiting for in three years. Living with an handsome dude for three years and still didn't touch me. But today, I think he'll do.

He took off my coat and dropped it on the floor. I made sure to trap him in between myself with my legs wrapped around him.

His hand came tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "He must be stupid to throw such expensive and priceless gold away."

Who? Me?

Never have I thought of myself that way.

We ended up making love to the fullest on my desk and it was passionate.

I can fully tell the difference between him and his brother now.