17| 200 miles

Laura's POV.

"That's okay for now. Don't pour the smoothie on the car seat." I caution my three year old toddlers before leaning my back against the seat. I just arrived at the Anderson's mansion.

After Luciana and I spoke yesterday, I spend the entire night thinking. Jake had asked me a couple times what's the matter with me, I'd just prefer to keep it personal within me.

I don't actually know if something is not right with me. All I ever thought of from that moment Luciana spoke with me and right now, is all about my Ex-husband, Dawson Anderson.

I drove 200 miles just to see him and let him know his kids. I know I can't deprive him of having his kids back, even if I know that there's no way ever again that we'll reunite.

From Luciana's words, I recalled and realize how much she regrets losing me as a daughter inlaw and how she wants me back into the family.

Well, what can I say?

She has to convince my dad which I'd know do be difficult to. According to my parents, they don't want me flirting or dating with any member of the Anderson. They already hated them for what happened between me and their son.

During our family dinner in Alabama, I noticed how dad glared at Jake. He never welcomed him in the first place but because of the kids, he added him for the invite. Mom too. She doesn't like him. She only appreciate him being an helper in my life for three years and how he supported the family needs.

I have to see Dawson. Even if it's for the last time. I also have to confess to him about something. I slept with his cousin, many people won't think it's abnormal but for me, it is.

He might think the next person for me to get intimate with would be his...

Okay, nevermind.

I took several deep breaths and unbuckled the seatbelt from me. My kids are busy playing at the back seat. After, they took their kiddies iPad from my purse and began to operate it.

I guess it's cartoon as I can hear. Nora finished her smoothie and demanded for another. I didn't bring much….just a litter for both of them. I know how much they love banana and apple smoothies. I made a mixture out of it before driving to this place.

I poured in some for her and added to Simone's who hasn't finished his yet.

They have a way of saying thank you and that's with a bright smile that lit up their gorgeous faces.

I glance at my wristwatch. I contemplated for a while before having the courage to open the door. I have no idea how Dawson would react if he sees me and his kids after a long time. He doesn't know them and they don't recognize him as their father.

It was quite a good idea I ran away with the pregnancy but on the other hand, it's stressful to start explaining things from the beginning to the little munchkins.

I opened the door, grabbed my purse from the passenger's seat and helped my kids out before shutting all the doors closed.

They're quick-witted as they study the environment. Once they've not being to a place before, their attention is taking away by the premises.

I stood, smiling as I watch them looking everywhere.

"You like it?" I chuckled. They nodded with a bright smile, looking up at me. "Alright then, let's go inside." I gestured them towards the entrance but just then, I stopped when I realize one person standing and staring at us with amaze from the doorstep.

It's him. My first love.

My lips parted a bit from the shock. My eyes locked in the direction of his. Didn't Luciana says he had an accident which got him on the wheelchair? Perhaps, Jake told me the same too.

But right now, I can't see anything that has to do with wheelchairs or him sitting on it. He's standing uprightly, fully well to his full height.

"Laura," He said my name with a sweet smile and walked towards us with both hands in his front pockets.

"Dawson," I only whispered. My voice perishing because of his presence and gorgeous face I haven't seen in a long time.

I thought he was going to hug me first but who would have thought he aimed was for his kids instead? He carried Simone on his right and Nora on his left.

Both kids stare at him like he was an alien to them. They haven't seen this face before. Not once, not ever. I assume they began to imagine who the hell he is. Whereas, I stood patiently on one side, clutching onto my purse while watching the father and kids thing.