CHAPTER 53. Heart attack!

  I received the call immediately, “Hello, Caleb?”

  But an extremely worried voice of Caleb came from the other side of the phone, “Stefan? Brother? There is an emergency…!”


  Riven’s POV:

  “What happened, Riven? Have you seen a ghost?” Kevin asked with a chuckle.

  “Her touch…. It felt… familiar..!” I replied in barely a whisper.

  I was completely stunned. I didn’t know how to react. How can it feel so familiar?

  “What?” Kevin nearly shouted in astonishment.

  Honestly, I expected such a reaction from him.

  “Whose touch felt familiar?” He added in a concerned voice.

  “Henna Kim! When I grabbed her hand to remove my tie from her hand, I felt like I had touched her before. It was quite familiar. Too familiar for a person I have only met twice in my entire life”, I replied in a confused tone.

  “Well, Riven, she has touched you before” Kevin replied in a casual tone.