CHAPTER 67. Maybe I never loved you, I only pitied you!

  Giselle’s POV:

  “Wow! We are the ones fighting here and he is getting all the love and attention!” came a familiar voice which I was trying to avoid so badly.

  “Tyler!” escaped my mouth when I heard his voice after all these years.

  I was still in Kevin’s arms when I looked around and saw all the foxes lying on the ground, dead or  in nearly dead condition. Some of them were groaning in pain. Some of them were torn apart.

  I looked away instantly as I couldn’t handle seeing much blood anymore.

  I was about to talk to Kevin when I got distracted by that bloody creature’s voice.

  “Glad that you still remember me, darling!” came Tyler’s flirty voice from behind and I could bet he must be having that darn flirty smile on his bloody face.

  “Couldn’t wait to forget you!” I replied with a fake smile, while parting from Kevin.

  “Alpha Tyler!” I heard Kevin taking his name in a serious tone.