Foxes are going to be the death of your whole werewolf community

  Third Person’s POV:

  “Who are you? Papa! Mumma!” Cole looked towards his parents, shaking with fear.

  “Alpha Riley, what is happening here? Why did you bring us all here? Why is my son standing with them? Why are you not answering us? Who is this witch?” Beta Percy bombarded him with multiple questions when his kid was separated from the crowd.

  “Calm down, Percy! There must be some misunderstanding” Alpha Riley said in a confused tone.

  “Natalie dear, are you sure he is…?” Alpha Riley asked. He left the latter of his statement unspoken for a reason, but Natalie understood it quite well.

  “Yes, my spells are never wrong. Just give me five seconds”, Natalie said, with a curt nod.

  She kept her fists in front of her lips and opened them. She then blew air from it and suddenly, they changed back to their original form.

  “WHAT!” Everyone from the entire pack shouted in shock.