CHAPTER 109. Giselle is pregnant!

  Third Person’s POV:

  “Calm down, Nate! Nothing will happen to her. She is your best friend. You can track her, right? We still have the option of a locator spell!” Arthur said to support her and reminded her of a way of getting her back.

  Being over thousands of years old, Arthur was very calm and composed in every situation. Giselle was right. A stubborn and impulsive girl like Natalie always needs a calm and old school guy like Arthur.

  “Yes, let’s go. I will track her!” Natalie said in a hopeful tone.

  “Okay, let’s go to my pack house and we can talk about the rest there”, Kevin offered in a casual tone.

  “Please you guys leave first. I will pay for this table and come. I have supernatural speed, anyways”, Arthur said politely while pointing towards the broken table.

  “Sorry, I didn’t introduce myself earlier. I am Alpha Kevin of Dark Sapphire pack”. Kevin extended his hand for a handshake