55. I Saw You, I Saw Everything

"Ah, my head is throbbing, I can't think straight. What did she mean by me rushing things?" Rey sulked, feeling frustrated and impatient at the same time. "She knows zilch about relationships, telling me I'm over-stretching the relationship. So annoying."

Tapping his finger on the steering wheel, he wondered what was taking Ari so long today, having him preoccupied to still be in the office this late. He'd parked Mun's car on the opposite side of the entrance towards Ari's office building so as he could surprise him once he got out, but Ari hadn't seen his message yet, despite being against him coming to pick him up. 

'My ears keep ringing at that memory of my sister's words. In fact, I'm the one cutting Ari some slack. It's time I stopped going easy on her. She has become too opinionated about my affairs.

Still, I'm aware she meant well, but... Why do I feel so wronged?' Leaning forward, Rey placed his forehead on the steering wheel and shut his eyes; the image of Mun flashing his memory for a moment.

"He must think I'm rushing as well otherwise, why would he stare at me like that? I just... I don't want to let Manager Ari down." Raising his head, his eyes pierced the darkness in front of him, the silence in the street growing louder. 

'It's been almost an hour already and he is still not here.' Rey wondered, his eyes drifting to the dimly lit entrance. There stood two guards outside and another one manning the entrance inside. 'Funny there's three now. Why is the security tight over here? As if there aren't enough cameras already.'

Checking his phone again, an uncanny feeling washed over him. Ari had still not seen his message. "How long must he keep me waiting?"

Getting out of the car, he inquired with the security if Ari was still inside. Having been familiar with Rey, they advised him to park his car at the staff parking if he was going to wait long.

"The manager has a guest presently therefore I suggest you avoid taking the public parking space."

While in waiting, many thoughts crossed Rey's mind. He pondered on the short discussion he'd had with his sister about Ari, as well as the extensive ones with Mun and they all sang the same song. Yet, even so, he wished to proceed further.

"Can you do without him?"

"Of course I can," Rey had replied confidently to his sister's question, "but that doesn't mean I want to entertain that thought."

"Then there is no reason not rush brother. From my point of view, you're jumping the gun way too quickly."

"You don't seem to get it sis. Manager Ari is different. He feels like something I've been waiting for for a long time, and now it's within my grasp therefore, what you are suggesting is impossible.

"Then how will you introduce him to your friends?"

"As if I have friends to begin with."

"What about mom and dad? What about the public, when they see you two walking holding hands, hugging, kissing...? There are simple acts we do subconsciously once we become comfortable with someone we like but, in your case, it's a man."

"So what?"

"Bro, remember when you were straight not so long ago, you'd have disapproved of people of that kind yet here you are in that exact situation."

It was at that moment that the reality of what him and Ari were dawned on Rey. "Now I understand a lot of Ari's fears."

"What about your financial situation?" His sister had further pressed on. "You have nothing to offer but a stubborn character and a huge debt." 

"Whose side are you on sis?"

Rey's sister had simply laughed seeing that she had struck a nerve. "This is a complete 360 degree turn of your life if you decide to proceed further brother. Do you really like him that much?" 

"His personality sometimes is extremely frustrating..." Rey spoke to himself. "I think I'm just the guy who was going to end up liking him eventually. Additionally, he is someone who has been very good to me even if he didn't have to and I don't want us to just suddenly grow apart, neither can I fathom him being with someone else. It was obvious he still struggles to grasp the fact that I actually like him which means, It's only upon me to assure him more. Or maybe... I should have... I could have done the introduction another time. He sounded angry... having invited his brother over. I only had good intentions at best. Besides, doesn't he know it was only a matter of time before his location was discovered? If anything, the timing was excellent with tomorrow being a weekend. Everyone is free including Manager Mun, who I'm convinced cancelled some of his date plans for the weekend.

Rey sighed heavily. 'Or... Or perhaps Manager Ari is regretting us?' 

:...Wait a minute..." Rey's expressions transitioned from shock to confusion to rage. "Isn't that Chairman Ned? ...And Ari... Kissing...?! What the heck are they doing?" Rey yelled, fidgeting in his seat with an urgent need to get out of the car. From where they stood, it was as if they weren't aware he was there and despite the parking bay being dimply lit, Rey's vision was as clear as day. He'd recognize Ari's figure anywhere. It felt like déjà vu.

 "What is he doing to Ari?!"

Rey was about to get out of the car then stopped himself. He decided to watch instead, even though parts of him were churning in anger and jealousy, ready to attack. Reaching for his phone, he ringed Ari but his call went unanswered.

"Calm down Rey. Don't react like you always do." Rey assured himself, taking in deep breaths to control his temper. "There is an explanation to what I just saw... I'm sure Chairman Ned incited it just like last time... At the parking lot...! Damn him! This is the exact same scene from before!" 

'Calm down Rey. I should have known Chairman Ned, as expected, isn't one to give up that easily.... But Ari's body reacts quickly to pleasure. I would know! He must know of it too, taking advantage of Ari like that!' 

Rey shut his eyes, resting his forehead on the steering wheel. 'I can't concentrate... I must leave before I do something stupid.'

The sound of a honk made Rey jump up to an upright position. He must have pressed on the horn by mistake and as his eyes shifted to his former target, he saw the two figures looking in his direction. With an almost empty parking, Mun's car was in view. Ned may not have recognized it, but Ari sure did. 

"Well, that gave me out. Time to take the bull by the horns."