
" If you don't accept the contract, I would just get another body and that family you love so dearly I will find them and I will kill them, imagine how tasty their flesh would be, thinking about it don't sign the contract, I don't need you anymore" the dark figure snapped his finger and the door opened, it was the same door the young man entered previously.

" You can go, spend your last moment with your family wisely because after you die, they will follow" The dark figure began to evaporate into dark smoke.

"Wait, I will sign the contract, just.... just allow me to go through it please " the young man shouted 'Fuck, this devil is blackmailing me into signing this contract, even if it's a bad idea, I can't let him harm my family, they have done enough for me'

The dark figure stopped evaporating and a smile appeared on his face 'Got you, although I will not gain control over his body permanently, I can still have control for 3 days meaning I can eat better things and increase my strength, I might even use the kid to grow stronger ' the dark figure said to himself as he moves closer to the young man.

"So, you would only have control over my body for 3 days a month that's 36 days a year and you would heal my sick body and you will not kill anyone during those 3 days," the young man asked the dark figure after reading the contract, he was surprised on how straight forward the contract was, he was expecting loopholes but he found none.

"Yes, just 3 days a month and I will heal your sick body and also I will not kill anyone during those days, if I go against the contract my soul will be crushed and I would die, so sign the contract already before you die, I know you can feel it, you don't have much time left" the dark figure sat on a dark chair that formed out of nowhere.

"I never knew that I would end up selling my soul to the devil to protect my family, at least this is to pay them back for everything they have done for me and I would also be alive," the young man said as he tried to sign the contract but he realizes that he had no means of signing, he had no pen to use.

"Hmmmm, Mr devil, how do I sign this contract," he asked the Dark figure.

"My name is Esu and just use your thoughts to input your name on the contract then I will get your sick body healed up," the dark figure said as the darkness faded away and the young man could see that he was inside a palace, the chair that used to be dark was now made of bones with some blood dripping from it.

The young man was scared but he knew he had no other choice as he willed his name onto the contract Tommy önager, his name appeared on the contract and the contract turned into dust.

"Wait, that's it, I thought fire was going to erupt from somewhere," Tommy said with a disappointed face. Esu shake his head " Brat, get ready for pain like you never felt before, well actually you would have never felt this kind of pain before"

Tommy felt something striped to his body and his body lifted off the ground as he floated towards Esu "Now let's see, what's wrong with your body" He scanned Tommy's body 'Hmmm, many of his organs are bad, his heart would soon give up, I will have to change it with my own for the time being' Esu analysis Tommy body.

Esu began performing surgery on Tommy's body, removing any bad organ, and replacing it with his own, Esu was sweating ' I really have gone weak, I could have done this with just a snap of my fingers back then, after this exchange, I would probably be left powerless for a while he thought to himself as he continued to exchange Tommy's organ.

Tommy, on the other hand, was screaming, he could feel everything, he could feel his lungs being removed and his other organs, it was a kind of pain that Tommy never knew he could feel.

Outside on the hospital bed, Tommy's body started shaking violently, his twin sister who was resting beside his bed was shocked, she immediately called the doctor, and now they were trying to stabilize his condition.

After a while, Tommy stopped breathing, the doctor tried everything he could but Tommy didn't respond, his sister cried as the doctor proclaimed Tommy dead.

Inside Esu palace, he was almost done with the exchange "Now let exchange my heart with yours, it would help you cleanse your weak blood and refine your bones, not that you can hear me" He looked at the now passed-out Tommy, there was a limit to which a human being could withstand pain.

Esu remove his own heart and replace Tommy's heart with his after that Esu felt weak, and as he was forced to sit down, he could feel his remaining energy enter into Tommy's body as he evaporated and merge with Tommy's body.

As the doctor was trying to clean up Tommy's room for his family to say their last Goodbye, Tommy's body twitched, and his heart started beating again, Tommy opened his eye for the first time in years, and he breathe in the fresh air and the usual pain he was used to was no longer there.

Tommy was happy, he tried to move but he could not, his bones were stiff and the more he tried the more painful it became.

He saw the doctor doing something, but he had no idea, he looked towards the doctor and tried to move his hand to hold him, he wanted to check if it was still a dream or not but he couldn't.

After struggling for a few seconds, Tommy became extremely weak as his vision became blurry and he passed out, but instead of his usual dark dream for the first time he was having a normal dream.

The doctor continue to observe Tommy, he was already used to Tommy waking up and then falling back asleep which pain on his face but now Tommy was smiling, the doctor left the room as he called Tommy's father.

Tommy's father Mr. Önager rushed to the hospital because any time he received a call from the hospital was when Tommy woke up, but this time he had a feeling that it was because of Tommy's death, he called Tommy's elder brother and they soon arrived at the hospital and they headed to the doctor's office.

"Mr. Önager, you don't have to panic, your son is still holding on, we just had a little situation earlier" the doctor explain everything that happened to the önagers.

Harry önager Tommy's brother was saddened at first but after hearing that his brother was still breathing was happy, he got up and left the doctor's office and went to his brother's Hospital room where Aloy, Tommy's twin sister was sitting close to Tommy it had been her daily routine to come to the hospital and sit beside Tommy telling him everything that happened that day.

"Brother, you are here, Tommy woke up a few minutes ago but he went back to sleep, what did the doctor say" Aloy ask Harry immediately as he entered the room, Harry just smiled as he took the sit opposite her.

"You can't even greet me properly, when last did you go home, Dad has been worried about you, don't give the old man high blood pressure, he already has enough on his plate to deal with" Harry scolded Aloy, ever since Tommy's condition began to worsen, she had been spending more time with Tommy in the hospital, she spent some of her time in school as a 2nd-year university student and the rest beside Tommy in the hospital.

She had friends but she would rather spend her time beside Tommy instead of going off to student parties and other extra curriculum activities, she also has someone she was dating but lately things haven't been going great for their relationship because she spends the most time with her sick brother.

"Brother, don't worry about me, I will go home soon, tell me what did the doctor say, how's Tom will he wake up soon," she asked worriedly, when Tommy was healthy they didn't spend the most time together because they hated each other guts. But in a friendly way, they would never admit that they care about each other.

As Tommy didn't respond to treatment, she started staying close to him, in case he needed anything, and she stopped socializing, if not for Tommy telling her to make more friends and not waste her time beside him, saying that she would need friends when he died, she would have not to bother with making friends.

"The doctor said something happened, but I guess you were here to witness it and they would run some scans on his body to see if anything is okay or not but I guess it's fine since he woke up today," Harry said, he was also worried about Tommy, he had been in a coma for 3 years without waking up, they had been thinking of pulling the plug before Tommy condition kept getting worse and the probability of him waking was 0%.

"And Aloy, you are going home with Dad today, you need a change of clothes and a proper rest and food, so get ready Dad will soon step out of the doctor's office," Harry said

"What if he wakes up and needed something, who would get it for him, am not going now, I will go later " Aloy replied

"He is not going to wake up soon and if he does, the nurses would take care of him, so get your things and prepare to leave" Harry knew that Aloy wouldn't want to leave so he already came up with a counter for any excuse she came up with.

Soon the room door opened and Mr. Önager came in with the doctor after discussing for a few minutes he left with Aloy and Harry, Aloy tried not to leave but she was forced to, and soon she was inside Harry's car heading home with her dad.