


Having known Aloy for a long time, Although they didn't spend much time together in the past, Everyone in their family knows that Whenever Aloy touches her ear when asked a question, it means she is lying.

"I can't really hide things from you guys and it sucks" Aloy complained as she sat close to Tommy, "Well you not giving yourself away would be a good start" Tommy replied, he ordered something, and he wanted to order for more, but he was in a hospital cafeteria so they were limits.

Aloy told him about her boyfriend, and when Tommy asked how the relationship was going, her tone dropped "We have been having a little bit of a problem lately" she replied, she explained how it started, stating that it all started when she began to spend more time than usual with Tommy.

He started thinking she was cheating, and all sorts of stuff, she tried to explain that she spent most of her time beside Tommy but he didn't believe "Am so sorry for unintentionally ruining your relationship" Tommy apologized.

"Don't worry about it, we didn't actually break up, now that your prince charming managed to wake you up, I can spend some time with him" The table became quiet as they both enjoyed their food.

At the back of the Cafeteria, a cleaner could be seen standing beside the cleaning utensils, she was looking over at Tommy and his sister 'I can't sense the devil with him but at the same time I can feel like he came in contact with it'.

The cleaners continued to clean the cafeteria while making their way towards Tommy. "Hey, it's you" Tommy looked up in the direction the voice came from, and he saw the two cleaners he met the previous night.

"Hey, Sara right?"

"Yes, how are you doing, I heard you just came out of a coma"


"Ohhh, then that explained your look yesterday," Sara said jokingly.

"Maybe, by the way, where's your friend Akira"

"Oh, She's cleaning, she should be around here somewhere"

Sara looked around but could see Akira, She bid Tommy bye as she continued to look for Akira."Who was that, did you make a friend while staying here?" Aloy asked.

"Yeah, I don't think you can call us that, she gave me her meal once" He replied, All of a sudden Tommy's eyes felt itchy, and he rubbed his eye, "Are you alright" Aloy asked.

Tommy didn't reply, after a while his eyes stopped itching, he opened his eyes, he looked around, nothing was out of the normal, that was when he saw Akira he could see a dark smoke coming out of her body, it was as if her body was producing the smoke, "Aloy look over there what do you see?" Tommy asked, not wanting to sound crazy.

Aloy turned around to look over at where Tommy pointed, she could see a cleaner cleaning the cafeteria floor and nothing else was out of place "I see a cleaner doing her job" she replied.

'She can't see it, then it must have something to do with devils and demons, but I have no way of knowing what it is, should I ask her, no I would probably sound crazy to her, but that dark smoke must mean something' Tommy thought.

Apart from signing the contract, and fighting the demon, he had no idea about demonic stuff 'Or should I search online maybe i would find anything that could possibly help' he wondered, the internet was one crazy place you never know what you might find, so it might not be a bad idea.

Tommy continued to look over to where Akira was cleaning, she was getting closer to them and Tommy wanted to speak with her, trying to clear off yesterday's misunderstanding, she eventually got to where the twins were sitting "Hey, Akira" Tommy called her, Akira looked at Tommy's face, she could still remember what happened last time so she looked away from Tommy's eyes.

"Hi, see am sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to call you a weirdo" She apologized, which came as a shock to Tommy, and even Aloy who wasn't present when it happened was also shocked "Why did you call my brother a weirdo," Aloy asked with a so obvious fake smile.

Akira didn't want to cause any more misunderstanding and explained and apologized again, "I don't mind, i might have come off as a weirdo but if you want me to forgive you how about a dinner later" Tommy had more than one reason for asking Akira for a dinner, he wanted to see if Akira knew anything about devils and he also wanted to know about the dark smoke coming out of her body.

Both Aloy and Akira were rendered speechless by Tommy's request, Akira who only wanted to clear up any misunderstanding didn't expect to be asked for a dinner date, and Aloy didn't expect her brother who just come out of a coma to start making moves on girls "Brother you just woke up from a coma, why are you trying to make move on her, you need to rest" Aloy said, she still couldn't believe that Tommy had asked this cleaner out on a dinner date.

"I can see the look on both of you guys' faces, I don't mean a date, you could bring over your friend Sara, I just want someone to eat with later" he quickly defended himself, because the girls were eyeing him as if he had done something crazy, they didn't know he had his reasons.

"Ok, then you can stop by later" Akira replied as she moved past The twins, she continued her cleaning while the twins chatted for a while, before parting ways, Tommy headed to his room, while Aloy left the hospital.


Outside a large palace, 10,000 or so creatures could be seen holding weapons of all sorts, from spears to swords, arrows, etc, and a tall slender man was standing before them.

"I will say this once, I am a devil-man, if you follow my rules I will bring you all to greater heights, I will make the devils an unshakable force, join me now or die," he said, although he was facing such a large number there was no hint of fear in his voice, the way he was standing was filled with confidence.

"We will never follow a devil-man, you lots are an abomination, unnatural creature, we should have gotten rid of all of you earlier," one of the devil generals said as he spat on the floor, devils are creatures that expand their power by signing contract with humans, using their souls as a type of currency, the more souls the devil has the stronger it becomes but devil-man increases their power by using the Ira energy from the atmosphere.

While a devil loses its power over time if it doesn't have any soul contract, a devil-man would remain strong as long as it can absorb Ira energy from the Atmosphere, which leads to the hatred between Devils and devil-man, the devils classify devil-man as an abomination, that was supposed to be killed on sight but by the order passed down by the devil rulers, they couldn't.

And now a group of devil-man was attacking them, telling the mighty devils to surrender, although the devils hated the devil-man, they knew one common truth and that was devil-man were exceptionally strong.

The older the devil-man the stronger they become, "I see you have all made your decision and a foolish one at that" he clapped his hands and 50 dark figure emerged "I introduce to you my brothers and sisters before this skirmish starts, let me tell you guys how futile your resistance is going to be" The dark figure standing in front of the palace said as he sat on the step.

"For the past 1000 or so years, maybe even more, I honestly lost count, I have been gathering my kin around the world, you devils are quite good at discrimination, you say we are an abomination that we deserve to be killed on sight, but you still use us as your strongest soldiers, as cannon folder, you sent us to our death, use us slaves but don't worry for today you shall all feel the powers of a true devil-man" he waved his hands.

The 50-or-so dark figure began to rush towards the devil soldiers "Devils prepare to defend our honor, we can't allow some lowly devil-man to defeat us" the devil general said, as the battle began