
[Would you like to register this as a skill?]

Tommy saw the floating text appear before him, he had not seen this text in a while so he kinda forgot it existed, but nonetheless, he was surprised by the text question.

"What do you mean by registering this as a skill?" he asked the floating text.

[You have done the required activities and have met the required result to name this as a self-skill, if you register this gauntlet you created with the Spike and your Ira energy as a skill, with my connections to you and the benevolent lord Esu I will help you polish out the numerous drawbacks in the gauntlet]

"ohhh, so there were drawbacks in using this gauntlet, can you tell me the drawbacks please," he asked the unknown entity that controls the floating text at least that was what he chose to believe because chalk couldn't possibly be alive right?