
During the introduction of new contractors into the SACU, a wristwatch would be given out to each contractor, those watches can gauge the Ira level of any contractor and outer beings that release their Ira energy into the air.

Each beep represents a rank and a number that indicates the total amount of Ira energy the being possesses would appear after the final beep.

When the SACU officials heard the three beeps they immediately understood that Tommy had the Ira energy level of that of a Knight rank contractor, the same as Jade and Ezzy, Contractors and outer-beings share the same Rank but humans mostly use grades from Grade 6 to grade 1, unlike outer-beings who uses Ranks, a Grade 6 contractors are still called Pawns, Grade 5 are called Bishops, Grade 4 are called Knights, Grade 3 are called Rooks, grade 2 and 1 are called King and queen.