Don't read not completed

[General POV]

The devil stood back up with it's head ringing, that quick succession attack from the devil-man and the demon had knocked some air out of lungs, his rage increased after being toyed with by a lesser being like the devil-man, it wanted nothing more than to just tear the devil-man limbs from limbs and feast on it death body. 

"Abominable... Devil-man... Raigian kill you... NO MATTER WHAT" Raigian the devil fiend screamed as it attacked Tommy with all it's might, the devil fiend and Tommy traded blow for blow, jab for jab without holding back, destroying the building in the process. 

"It's a good thing we already cleared out the civilians, what the heck are they fighting in there by the way?" Jade wondered out loud, expecting a reply from his partner but after a few seconds of silence he turned around only to see Ezzy already asleep by the road side snoring without a care in the world.