Legendary Meridians Part 1

As soon as these words were heard, quite a few people lowered their heads and began walking away. "Heh. Weaklings trying to join a major sect when they don't even meet the minimum qualifications." Kenji sneered as he looked around. But his eyes opened wide in surprise when he saw the street rat looking girl still standing in the crowd. He wondered if she was just holding onto false hope or not. He smiled mockingly. He felt like he was going to see a good show later on.

Ai also looked over at Yuki with a worried expression. It was already not easy to unlock ten meridians, never mind thirty without a lot of resources. Never would she imagine that the young girl she was worried about would have the legendary one hundred and eight meridians all unlocked. Yuki just stood there waiting for things to get started. She did not know if she would be able to enter or not, but she would give it her all.

"Mmmm, good. Also, if you are under the age of fifteen and above the age of ten and have yet to reach the first fate star, you are also disqualified. Lastly, if you are above the age of eighteen, you are also disqualified." Rin's voice rang out once more, causing those who were still in the body fortification stage and above the age requirement to also lower their heads and begin leaving. Not many knew the qualifications to enter the sext. Even Yuki did not know. She was only here because she heard that the Heavenly Cloud Sect was recruiting.

Once more, seeing people leave, Rin nodded her head. She felt bad, but this was the sect's minimum requirement before you could even start getting tested. "Now then form two lines. Girls to the right, boys to the left."

The splitting of the sexes was not just a Heavenly Cloud Sect rule. It was done in all sects during the recruitment process due to the methods used to determine the meridians of a hopeful disciple. A hand had to be placed on the chest of the hopeful disciple, which, for young unmarried girls, was not something they would want any guy doing.

"We will start by checking your meridians. If you pass, step to my right and wait for the second test to begin." Rin yelled out to the female disciples. The line was not as long as the boys' line, which had hundreds lined up. But it was still quite long.

Yuki stood at the back of the line. There was only one person behind her. A tall girl with long black hair tied up into a ponytail and a long sword on her back. She had a body like a model and with facial features to match, but her expression seemed muted, as if she did not speak much. While the girl in front was trying to stay a few feet away from Yuki, the girl behind her did not seem to mind the dirty smell coming off Yuki's body. This alone showed that not much could bother this girl.

Yuki waited in line for a few hours taking a few steps forward as the line shrank. What surprised Yuki was the number of people still trying to join the sect even if they did not meet the meridian requirement. She, too, wondered how desperate she would be if she did not have all the meridians that she did.

"Thirty one meridians, pass." The girl in front of Yuki lifted her head proudly and walked over to the other hundred or so girls off to the side. It was now Yuki's turn. She stepped forward and raised her head slightly, looking at the young woman in front of her. She was about sixteen, seventeen years of age, with straight long black hair, but Yuki could already tell this girl was of a much higher cultivation than her.

Rin looked at the street rat standing there, slightly gazing up at her, and smiled. She reached out with her hand and said: "Relax a bit. I will check your meridian count."

Yuki did not say anything as she watched Rin press her hand against Yuki's chest. She felt a spiritual qi flow into her body and stretch out all over her upper body from her fate star meridian all the way up to her upper chest. It was improper to go below the fate meridian to one's dantian as it would be considered someone attacking you. So Rin was very careful not to go past that line. The more the flow spread out the stranger the look on Rin's face got. It went from a furrowed brow to astonishment to a flash of jealousy as she looked at the street rat in front of her in surprise. "This…. Just how!? Senior Brother!!" Rin couldn't keep her calm as she retracted her hand.

"Hmmm? What? I am kind of busy here." Takeichi frowned as he turned to Rin, who was standing in front of the street rat girl with a surprised look on her face, and sighed. He really wondered what the hell was happening for his junior sister to be freaking out like this.

"Senior Brother, just get over here now!" Rin yelled. She did not know how to handle this!

Sighing once more, Takeichi finished testing the disciple hopeful before excusing himself for a second and walking over to Rin. "Junior, Sister Rin, just wha….?"

Rin quickly pulled him aside and whispered: "Get Elder Nishikawa down here now. This girl…. One hundred…." Rin had to take a deep breath as she tried to calm herself down as she continued: "She has one hundred and eight open meridians!"

"What!?" Takeichi exclaimed out loud before quickly pulling out a strange piece of paper. He injected a bit of spiritual qi into it, and spoke a few words before tossing it into the air. It glowed with a bright light before streaking up into the clouds.

In another location, watching the events unfold, a group of people were sitting around a giant pool of water, looking at the disciple hopefuls with a bit of confusion on their faces. "Elder Nishikawa, why is this girl anxious all of a sudden after testing that little street rat?"

"Old man, how would I know? Rin has always been a good child, so I am sure it is something major. Plus, your Takeichi also seems a bit strange. He even sent out a message talisman. So whatever it is, we will find out soon enough." Elder Nishikawa replied. She hated these old men. She was the only female elder of the group, and these dirty old men always ogled her breasts! She wanted to slap them all!