Spiritual Qi And Strength Testing Part 2

Ai nodded and let out the breath she was holding before taking another deep breath as she stood in front of the black stone. She slowly let it out before getting into a fighting stance. She closed her eyes for half a second before opening them again and yelling out: "Yaah!"


A loud rumble was heard as Ai hit the black stone pillar. The lights on the pillar slowly lit up, light gray, yellow, and orange. Until, like her spiritual qi test, it came to a halt on green. Rin nodded her head in appreciation. "Not bad at all. Green for both. You can try two more times if you would like."

"No, this is fine." Ai knew she could not do any better. She had already used all her strength in that punch just now. She was really happy with her results. The nervousness that had built up finally began to float away. She had to admit that this was nerve wracking no matter what.

"Next!" The line continued to move while Ai walked off to the side. As she stood to the side, her eyes fell on the young girl in the back who seemed to be a year or so younger than her. She wondered just how powerful this girl was.

Yuki's turn came after another two hours. It was already mid morning by this time. Luckily the girls' line was shorter than the boys. Why this section was also split between the sexes, Yuki did not know. Nor did she care much. She walked up and stood in front of Rin, who was smiling back at her. "You cleaned up really nice! Elder Nishikawa really found a beauty for us girls!"

Yuki did not respond as she stood there waiting to be told she could start. Rin also seemed to notice that Yuki was not going to speak any time soon and cleared her throat. "Ahem…. You can begin."

Across the way, a set of eyes were intensely staring at the black haired beauty standing at the white stone pillar. He couldn't take his eyes away from the girl and wondered what he would need to do to make her want to be with him. As he was fantasizing about Yuki becoming his future wife, Yuki reached out and placed her hand on the white stone pillar. She closed her eyes slightly before injecting her spiritual qi into it.

"Woah!" someone cried out. At this moment, while Yuki had her eyes closed, the entire white stone pillar was now a bright golden color. It did not even fill up slowly as it had for the others. This was because she had one hundred and eight meridians. Each one was taking in spiritual qi and releasing it all out through her hand that was touching the white stone pillar.

"Amazing! Haha!" Rin cried out. She was very excited to see Yuki's results.

Yuki opened her eyes as she retracted her hand from the white stone pillar. As soon as her hand left the pillar, the light dimmed before disappearing altogether. She looked up at Rin, who nodded her head with a smile.

Ai was shocked to see the golden color. She really couldn't believe that the dirty girl from before had such power, but at the same time, she was glad. The girl not only turned out to be beautiful but also had talent. While sometimes this was bad, Ai felt like if she could befriend this girl and then keep those with evil thoughts away, that maybe she would be best friends with a future legend who would leave her name in the history books of the West Wind Kingdom.

Kenji, on the other hand, had greedy eyes. If he could marry such a girl and give birth to a son in the future, then he would have a chance to lead the Sakaki family. By doing so, he would be able to lock in his position as the next heir. He was not the only one with such thoughts. Many of the heavens chosen from the cultivation clans and royals alike were looking at Yuki with greedy eyes. And the person in question ignored them all since she did not care for people's stares. As long as they did not hold killing intent, she could ignore it. But for those with dirty gazes, if they ever tried to touch her, she would end them immediately.

"You passed with flying colors. Now to test your strength." Rin was now very excited to see what her strength would be like. Just because one's spiritual power may be high, it did not mean she would be able to have high strength as well. If she did, great, but if not, the rules were the rules. However, sometimes rules were broken in special situations such as Yuki's. She still may be accepted even if she did fail one of the two tests just for having golden spiritual power.

Yuki walked over to the black stone pillar and clenched her fist. She did not go to attack right away since she wanted to use both her cultivation systems in this attack. She would need to rotate both kinds of qis in her body to strengthen her punch.

"Take your time. And slowly relax. Remember, you have three tries." Rin was acting much differently with Yuki than she had with the others mainly because she took a liking to Yuki.

Yuki wasn't worried about failing but more worried about whether or not anything here could sense her demonic qi. She knew sooner or later, it would come to the surface if she were forced to use it outwardly, but she did not know if using inwardly would make her technique to hide it useless.

But even if there were risks, she still had to take them to make sure she got the most benefit out of this sect. She wanted to truly become strong and needed this place to help her in doing this. With all these thoughts swarming her mind, Yuki forcefully cleared her mind and pulled her fist back. She then tossed it forward with everything she had….