A Very Big Misunderstanding

The next to go up was Kenji. He had drawn the fourth lot, and the one who he was against was a young man around fifteen years of age but you would not think he was young due to his burly build and huge muscles. He towered almost a foot over Kenji and wielded a large two handed sword on his back.

"Oi, big boy, if you want to quit now, you can. I wouldn't mind." Kenji wanted to taunt the young man since he knew his spiritual power was stronger than his. He wanted to use it as a means of pressure. Kenji knew that after this match he would get to go up against Yuki, while he was unsure if he could beat her he was sure he might be able to come in close contact with her and maybe say a few things to get on her good side.

On the side, Ai saw the scheming look in her brother's eyes and knew he was not thinking of anything good. She leaned over to Yuki and whispered: "If my brother wins and you face him. Just do what you did to the other guy and smash his face into the dirt! Teach him a good lesson!"

Yuki did not even turn to look at Ai and only nodded her head. Ai was quite used to this already, so she smiled and rambled on. As for Nana who was sitting on the other side, wondered just how much Ai hated her brother but did not voice it out.

Seeing his opponent not saying anything back, Kenji decided to try to egg him on even more. "Huh? Not going to say anything!?"

His opponent just looked at him, reached up, drew the huge sword on his back, and let the tip fall in front of him.


Kenji almost choked on air as he looked at the cracks in the ground. "Ah…." That was all that could escape his lips. It seemed that actions were better than words. It seemed he forgot the young man in front of him had purple strength. Kenji quickly quieted down.

On the side, Ai buried her face into Yuki's shoulder as she began laughing. Yuki just stared blankly at the scene while Nana's lips curled up for a second but fell back down. As for Rin, who was overseeing the match, she was laughing openly and forgot that she was the one in charge of the match. Takeichi and Elder Nihikawa both shook their heads with smiles on their faces.

At this point, Kenji was very embarrassed. His face began to turn red as he looked up at Yuki, who was staring at him, and gritted his teeth as he yelled out. "Can we start already!?"

"Ahahaha! Start! Ahahaha!" Rin yelled out, 'start', in between laughing fits, and the match finally began.

Kenji did not waste time and shot forward using spiritual qi to give him a burst of speed. But to his shock, just as he was arriving at his opponent, his opponent suddenly kicked his huge sword into the air, grabbed the hilt, and then swung the flat side of the blade at Kenji. Kenji's eyes had been focused on the blade, so when he went to dodge, he did not notice the foot being kicked out toward his gut.

He only felt like he had been hit by an armored demonic beast before he was sent flying out of the arena, tumbling across the ground. The young man with the bulky body slung the huge sword up over his shoulder, sheathed it, and then turned and looked disdainfully at Kenji. "In the early stages of cultivation, your body is your best weapon. Without proper strength, you can not just charge in like a damn fool. If you came here to clown around, I suggest you leave the sect on your own because every time I see you, I will beat you to the ground."

"Ahhh! You bastard, just wait!" Kenji roared. He slowly got up from the ground. His hair was in disarray. His entire body had patches of grass and dirt all over it. He had been completely suppressed!

Ai snorted when she saw her brother being picked on. "Serves him right. Maybe getting beat up a few times will finally straighten him out. Although if they go too far, I will have to help him somehow." While she did wish for her brother to smarten up, she did not want him to be beaten so badly that he could no longer cultivate. But then another thing came to mind. "If that big hulking kid tries to hurt Yuki, I will stab him in the butt hole with my sword! Humph!"

Yuki slightly turned her gaze towards Ai before turning it back. She did not understand why Ai would go around stabbing people in the butt hole. While it is a weak point, it was also a very small hole to aim for and easily missed. Only large demonic beasts would be good targets for such things. But on a human…. Yuki would rather aim for the head.

After a few more matches, it was finally Ai's turn. She was against another girl around her height and build. "Off I go!"

Ai went to walk up, only to feel her hand being tugged. She turned and looked down to see that it was Yuki. Feeling confused yet happy, she smiled and said: "Yes?"

"Don't aim for the butt hole…." Yuki actually said more than she normally would, causing Ai to feel very happy, but the words made her tilt her head in confusion. She could only absentmindedly nod her head as she looked at Yuki's expressionless face and wondered why Yuki told her not to attack the butthole.

Yuki watched as Ai unsteadily walked away and hoped Ai would still win even if she couldn't aim for the butthole. Yuki seemed to have misunderstood Ai completely. There was another person who also misunderstood Ai, and that was Nana because she nodded her head at Yuki's words. Such a place was not easy to hit. One should not aim for it!