Cave? Courtyard?

"So, as you can see, everyone who fell is alive and well." Rin grinned as she continued. "Those who made it over are now able to say they passed the bridge of destiny and were able to show that even with the issues you hold in your heart standing before you, you were still able to show your resolve and pull through. Now I want you all to split up into two groups. However, Junior Sister Yuki and Junior Sister Nana will be in my group. These are mixed groups, so you do not need to worry about male or female. But let me say this now. If you get pregnant, get out of the sect. This is not a place to be raising a family. You are here to cultivate. The sect does not stop sexual relations but remember to use spiritual qi to block off any chance of being impregnated, or you will go back to the mortal world."

All these disciples were young, so many of them blushed. But this was just a rule that needed to be stated ahead of time. Yuki and Nana did not even flinch at such words, but Ai was red from ear to ear.

After a while, there were two lines. The path in front of them led to the base of the mountain to the true gates to the sect. There were no more illusions. There was an entire mountain range at the exit of the forest. From there, it was an uphill hike up the slope of the mountain. Yuki looked around her, taking everything in so she would not get lost.

They soon arrived at an area covered in courtyards built out of stone. This was what was considered the outer sect. It spanned from the base of the mountain to about halfway up before it became the inner sect area. But the outer sect also had most of the pavilions one could go to receive missions or to buy things.

Rin led one group of new disciples down the path that seemed to be a kind of new development area of the sect. "We just put this area together last month. This will be your new home from this moment forward. Remember what I said before about pregnancy. As for which courtyards are yours, you can decide on your own. Junior Sister Yuki and Junior Sister Nana, you two will follow me."

Rin went to leave before stopping and yelling out: "Everyone is to meet at the statue in the middle of the outer sect tomorrow morning at first bell. If you are late… Hehe… Just try to be late!"

"Yuki! Nana!" Ai ran up to Yuki with a bit of hesitation. "I will come find you when I settle in. I still wish to be friends with you two!"

Yuki tilted her head before turning around and catching up to Rin. She was not really looking to make friends. Nana was a bit different because she felt a kind of connection to her, but Ai she did not. She was just someone who stuck to her.

Ai watched as Yuki walked away without a word feeling a bit defeated. She looked at Nana, who did not even acknowledge her, and walked away as well with mixed emotions. She clenched her fists and firmed her resolve. She would figure out a way to get them to acknowledge her!

"That was kind of cold, Junior Sister Yuki." Rin looked at Yuki, who still had no expression on her face, and sighed. She felt bad for Ai. She seemed like a good kid, but this was just how it was. Sometimes you are nothing but a fleeting moment.

Rin led them to the upper section of the outer sect, where the spiritual qi was much more dense. The courtyards here were built out of the side of the mountain and were more like caves when looked at from the outside. "These are the best immortal caves in the outer sect. Only those who have been given permission can live in these caves. Luckily for the two of you, there is one left, and it is also a dual immortal cave with two rooms."

They walked down the path that was nothing more than a narrow passage on the side of a tall cliff. If you fell from this height, you would definitely not make it if you were of a low cultivation. "This one here is mine." Rin stopped in front of an opening in the side of the cliff face. It had a stone door and a small window that had a curtain blocking people from seeing inside. "They are not much, but each one has a spirit gathering array to help boost cultivation. Yours is just a bit further down. So if you ever have issues, come to me. I will do what I can to help."

A few minutes later, they came to a dead end on the cliff where another cave opening could be found. A stone door was half open, letting the fresh air inside. "It was already aired out and cleaned out. Elder Nishikawa also had someone put some furniture in there for you, so you do not need to buy it with your contribution points. She really went all out, so make sure you thank her later. I will leave you two to settle in."

Yuki and Nana both nodded their heads to Rin before walking into the immortal cave. They still called it a courtyard only because it had a small gate that was waist high with a small little yard. The two girls walked inside to see that it was much bigger than they had expected. A living/kitchen area and two bedrooms. In the back of the cave was a cultivation room where the spirit gathering array was located.

Yuki looked at the smooth stone surfaces all around and wondered what they used to create this place. As far as she knew, there were no tools like the ones you could find back on Earth in this world. But yet, everything seemed perfectly crafted and smoothed out without a single rough edge.

Yuki turned to look at Nana, who was looking around as well, and slowly opened her mouth and asked: "Room?"

Nana turned and looked at Yuki and replied: "Doesn't matter…."

"Then I will take the left?" Yuki asked.

"Mm…." Nana gave a faint smile. This was the most she had heard Yuki talk since meeting her. Then again, she herself had not spoken much at all either. But still, she was glad that Yuki was willing to speak with her.